Chapter 1 The Ferrier Family

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Lily's POV:

It was a cold but sunny Autumn day. I am Lily, Lily Anna Valerious, I am living with my Aunt Mary since both my parents died. I am healing and Mary has been there with me every step of the way and I am very grateful she has been there for me. Mary had left for work this morning and while I was at home I felt horrible and lonely, so I went to Ray's for a visit, since I was bored. I left Mary a note so she wouldn't worry about me. Ray was a good man and Mary had a crush on him since his wife left him. "Hi Ray." "Hey Lily, how are you let me guess Mary is working and you came to visit me cause you are bored?" "Well you aren't wrong." I smiled at him. He was chuckling and I giggled. "Well how are you?" I asked. "I'm good my kids are here today my son doesn't like playing catch would you like to play?" "Sure, I'd love to." After a while of playing catch with Ray his kids came outside and watched. "Who is she dad?" I looked up at the voice it was a boy close to my age 17 maybe. "Robbie, didn't see you there, this is my friend Lily she lives with her Aunt Mary." I looked at Robbie and he walked off the porch and kept his brown eyes on my green and blue ones. His brown hair was medium length, mine was long and black. His skin was a little pale but darker in places, I was full on pale. There was an awkward silence between us. " Robbie your staring at her, I am so sorry for my brother my name is Rachel you can call me Rach." I looked at the girl who was smiling and holding out her hand I took it and shook it while saying, "Hi Rach, my name is Lily." I smiled as she hugged me. I looked at Ray and he was ok, but looked as if he felt left out.

Robbie's POV:

I was watching this girl play catch with Ray, dad? I don't know what to think of him anymore. The girl was all I could see and boy she was beautiful. After I heard her name I never wanted to leave her she looked sad as if she went through a traumatic event. I walked off the porch toward her and kept my eyes on her beautiful odd eyes. I liked, no loved her. The moment for me was ruined by my sister. After watching them hug I looked at dad he looked mift and I felt a little jealous of my sister. 

Ray's POV:

I was glad Lily came over thinking my son will have someone to like even if it isn't me. I watched as Lily and Robbie looked at each other I was kind of glad he looked love struck, in fact I was proud. When Rachel ruined it I felt mift I wanted them to have at least some action together. After my daughter hugged Lily I felt mift and could feel my son's jealous eyes on me and chuckled I thought it was funny that my son was jealous over his sister. I sometimes felt that way with Mary Lily's Aunt many times. "Lily, I'm here!" I knew that voice. "Coming Mary!"

Mary's POV:

I went home after work and before I searched for Lily I saw the note. I smiled and shook my head that girl always goes to Ray's when she is bored I was glad but nervous because she is with the man I fell for. I left and walked to Ray's house and saw Ray in thought and tried to control my blush. "Lily, I'm here!" "Coming Mary!" Lily let me in and I was glad that my niece met Robbie and Rachel I knew them, the last time I met them they were so small and now they were older and I smiled at how Robbie kept staring at my niece love struct.

Lily's POV;

It was late and we said goodbye and left for home after a long while we were home. We ate dinner talking about today then went to bed in hopes for the morning but little did I know that a normal morning will turn out a lot worse than everyone, or anyone would ever realize.

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