Chapter 12 Home at Last

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Robbie's POV:

Everyone looked out and sure enough there they were. Rachel ran to mom and I ran to dad and hugged him after our little moment. I looked at Mary and called her mom, she smiled. Then I looked at who was in her arms and there she was my little Lily, my baby girl. I took her from Mary's arms and took her inside and gave her medicine and a bath. I stayed beside her bed and waited for her to get better.

Mary's POV:

I was glad Robbie was taking care of Lily. I looked at Ray and kissed him and went inside we took turns with the shower then talked after and ate dinner.

Ray's POV:

Rachel was in bed with her mother and I talked with Mary for the rest of the night. "Mary, sweetheart are you ok?" "Yeah love I'm fine." "I love you Mary from the bottom of my heart."

"Me too Love, me too." We kissed and fell asleep in eachothers arms.

War of the Worlds Robbie x OC & Ray x OCWhere stories live. Discover now