Chapter 10 No shield!

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Ray's POV:

After the days and weeks of running we came to buildings with people and noticed one of the tripods were down we asked the military and they said it went down by itself an hour or so ago.

Rachel's POV:

I walked close to dad while we got out of the way and kept walking while staying low.

Mary's POV:

I held Lily and didn't let go at all and waited for Ray to say something when Lily told him something while she was still in my arms.

Lily's POV:

I noticed the birds and told Ray to look at the birds before I passed out again from a fever I had gotten sick and needed food and something to drink soon.

Ray's POV:

I heard Lily and looked at the birds they were sitting on the tripod and tried my hardest to get the military to look as well. When they finally did they had gone to use a weapon to bring it down and we all hid in the cement tunnel and waited I calmed Rachel and Mary down, but noticed Lily pale and touched her forehead. "She's sick." "What can we do now?" I looked at Mary and told her. "Home to Boston."

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