Chapter 5 The ferry

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Ray's POV:

As we went to the ferry snow started falling and everyone was comparing who had it worse in this situation I rolled my eyes, but kept my Mary, her niece, and my kids close to me at all times I didn't want to let them get lost or hurt while getting to the ferry. As we headed to the ferry army soldiers told us there was no more room. I told them there was at least room for 100 more people and that there were five of us. They finally let us through, but three tripods came out of the water and pushed the boat on its side we jumped out and swam as fast as we could before they could abduct us out of the water.

Mary's POV:

We watched as they took people left and right I was just glad it wasn't us, but then again I wished none of this ever happened I looked to my niece. "You ok Lily?" "Yeah Mary, but I just hope we will survive this." I couldn't help but at least agree with her on that. "You ok honey?" I turned and looked at Ray. "Yes love." I was scared out of my wit and I hated it.

Rachel's POV:

I looked at my family and cared for everyone of them, Lily was a sister to me and she loved my brother a lot. Mary loved dad and I hoped that we all get out of here to my grandparents soon.

Lily's POV:

I wanted to scream so badly, but I held it together for Robbie and our family. "Lily, baby are you ok?" I shook my head for Robbie to know I'm not ok at all. "Oh honey I will get you out of here I promise love just trust me ok?" I nodded my head with tears in my eyes. Robbie wiped them away with his thumb.

Robbie's POV:

My poor Lily, I couldn't stand my baby girl crying I was so angry at the aliens I couldn't see straight I wanted them all dead I needed Lily home and safe I would have never wanted this. I know dad didn't for Mary. I needed to get them home to mom, grandma, and grandpa. I won't let anything happen to my little dragon-wolf Lily.

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