Chapter 2 The Machine in the Ground

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Robbie's POV:

It was early morning dad was asleep and Rachel was to, so I took a drive in dad's car. I would like to see Lily again.

Ray's POV:

It was morning and I was mad my own son Robbie took my car. I woke up Rachel and had her eat something for breakfast. I left the house and saw something weird. I turned and saw Lily and Mary coming to my house we went to the backyard and looked at the odd stormy sky.

Mary's POV:

I had no Idea what was going on with me I walked to Lily's room and saw her looking at me we both knew something bad was to happen today.

Lily's POV:

I knew something bad was going to happen and I knew it was today.

Rachel's POV:

Something felt off about today I just didn't know what it was.

Lily's POV:

As we watched the sky Ray called Rachel out and we watched as lightning struck and we ran inside Ray's house and watched the lightning hit the same place more than once.

Ray's POV:

After the lightning stopped I wondered where was the thunder. I went and all the electronics stopped even my watch. It was like an E.M.P wave but that isn't it. I left to find robbie while telling the girls to stay but Lily wanted to come Mary told me she will take care of Rach for me. "Ray!" I looked back at Mary. "I love you." "I love you too Mary." I left with Lily and found Robbie. "Robbie did you see the lightning?" "Yeah dad 26 times." "Robbie go home we will both be there soon." After Robbie left we saw the cracks and parts of the street were cold. This machine came out of the ground and made loud noises and then started shooting everyone. I ran with Lily to get to cover safely. After arriving home we both were in shock and Lily was worse.

Robbie's POV:

I saw dad and Lily come home. I ran to Lily, "Are you ok, Honey are you ok?" She looked at me and shook her head I understood. I held her and watched as Mary talked to Ray "Lily sweetheart we will get through this I promise." She nodded at me.

Mary's POV:

I saw both Ray and Lily enter and Robbie run to Lily consoling her. "Ray, Ray love are you ok?" He looked at me. "We have to get out of here a machine was buried under the ground long before us and it came up and started killing everyone." After he said that I knew we needed to go. I went to the kitchen with Rachel and Robbie and told them to pack what Ray had for food after grabbing everything we left the kitchen to find Lily and Ray.

Lily's POV:

After everything both me and Ray had the same idea to get out of here and go to his wife's and if she wasn't there we would go to Boston. "We're going to the car you are going to want to look around, but you won't will you?" everyone of us said no to Ray's question. We went to the car and kept our eyes on Ray or the ground I couldn't leave Robbie and I knew that his fighting spark will ignite but I can't let that happen just yet.

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