Chapter 3 Ray's Ex's House and Bridge attack

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Lily's POV:

We drove past everyone even Ray's boss was killed. We were still leaving and all the sudden the machines were shooting the buildings and finally the bridge was being shot at and started collapsing. We all ducked when Ray said to, Mary was sitting behind him. Rachel was sitting next to me as Robbie was in the front seat. As Ray drove fast we all sat there while Rachel screamed and as Ray and Robbie yelled at each other we all just sat there and finally Robbie came toward Rachel and helped her with her fear. After Robbie talked with Ray we got to the house we ran in and saw that his ex wife wasn't there and knew she was in Boston. We went to the basement that night to sleep there. "Love you Rob." "Love you Rach." After a while of silence Mary left to sleep with Ray. I sat there waiting for something. "Lily, baby come here." I looked at Robbie as he called me and I walked over and layed down next to him. "It's going to be alright love I won't let anything hurt you I love you." "I love you to Robbie." we kissed and went to sleep for a little bit.

Ray's POV:

I was sleeping with Mary and waited when the noise hit I woke Mary up by standing abruptly and Robbie stood up with Lily straight after. We all waited for something to happen. Robbie held Lily's hand, while I held Mary close to me. "Is the lightning back?" Rachel had asked me. "No, this is something else." Then all of the sudden there was a high pitched sound. We all turned our heads at the source, Rachel screamed and ran into Robbie's arms making him let go of Lily. "Robbie this is your house where do we go?!" "Argh, um um!" He looked around and finally lead us all to a lower basement. "Are we still alive?"

Lily's POV:

We all heard Rachel's question after the noise and chaos died down Ray left the room to see what was going on. I was quiet, but shaking with shock. "Lily, honey are you ok?" I knew Robbie had asked me that, but the question was could I answer him. "Baby?" I looked at him and shook my head as to say no. "Everything is going to be alright sweetheart I promise I will protect you, I love you Lily." "I love you to Robbie." He held me in his arms and never let go of me.

Robbie's POV:

I was worried for my Lily, she was my girl and I won't let anything hurt her I will protect her even if it means fighting with the army. I won't let my Lily die over this invasion of whatever is killing people. My family and my Lily, My baby are more important to me than anything else in this god damned invasion. I love Lily and I will protect her even if it means she'll lose me.

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