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Robbie's POV:

After a couple weeks Lily still threw up and I didn't know what to do except take my love to the hospital. After the hospital I asked her what the doctor said. "She said I was 3 months pregnant."I looked at her and picked her up and spun her around and kissed her while telling her how happy I was.

Lily's POV:

I was really happy I was gonna have a baby since Mary and Ray finally had one last month it was a boy named Max. After 9 months I finally gave birth to two babies Lisa and Zack. I was glad and so was Robbie we were happy and knew that if an invasion happened again we would be there to protect our kids like Ray and my Aunt Mary did for us. If it wasn't for them me and Robbie wouldn't be here or our kids. And for what they did I called Mary that night and told her thank you. Robbie, Lisa, Zack, and I have lived happily ever after and are ready in case of a new invasion of aliens even though the tripods had died off we still can't be to careful. I know Robbie loves me and the kids and no matter what we will save our family no matter what the cost.

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