Chapter 7 Meeting Oglivy

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Ray's POV:

I watched Lily after thinking my son was dead, I couldn't help but be wary of her. I didn't like what happened none of us did not even my Mary. "Mary, hun what should I do?" "I don't know all we can do is support her by giving her space for now."

Mary's POV:

I can't believe Robbie who I considered a son left my poor niece alone. I was in shock all I could do was hug and leave Lily alone.

Rachel's POV:

After that incident I haven't left Lily's side and I never will.

Lily's POV:

I love him and I trust him he will come back to me.

Robbie's POV:

I ran away from the battle and held my baby girl's necklace. "I will see you again love, I will." I hid from the tripods for weeks and kept walking to get to mom. After four days of hunting and walking I am finally home. I asked if the group made it when I heard they hadn't I got worried. Please Lily come back to me honey.

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