Chapter 8 Spray of Blood

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LIly's POV:

We stayed in hiding for weeks or days we did not know. We waited until we all heard a noise outside. We looked out and they used human blood to fertilize our planet. The man who we met named Oglivy went psycho and started screaming not my blood while digging. Ray told us all to cover our ears and to not let go. He went off and I knew to kill the poor devil who lost it so we could survive.

Mary's POV:

We waited and heard him come back from where the door was. I walked over to him with Rach and I sat next to him, while Rach sat in his lap and Lily stayed on the sofa. After a while we slept and heard nothing until later.

Rachel's POV:

I ran out of the house and saw the tripod walk around.

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