Chapter 4 The Airplane and on the Road Again?

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Ray's POV:

I left the lower basement to check on what happened and saw pieces of the plane that crashed or got shot down. I met these news people that were not on the plane and told me that the machines or tripods were in the ground long before us, but what was operating them was the aliens that came down through the lightning storm by capsules and rode the lightning to our planet. I was in shock and needed to protect the kids and my Mary I won't let them die not now not ever. I love Mary and would never lose her or her niece I cared for Lily when she couldn't and I wanted Robbie to be happy, but something isn't right he has a fighting streak like I do. I worry for Lily if he gets himself killed by these things. I walked back and told the kids and Mary that we are leaving again.

Mary's POV:

I was worried for Ray and the kids I couldn't let them get hurt I love Ray and I care about his kids and my own niece I won't let anything bad happen to them, so when we were on the road again I wasn't shocked but after a while I could see Ray was getting tired. I told Robbie to take the wheel and we were off again.

Robbie's POV:

I drove for the longest time, but it didn't help the fact that I was worried about Lily and the others. When I drove into a crowd of people I got nervous and called out for dad to wake up when he did he took the wheel and I was in the passenger seat again Rachel started asking questions while the crowd tried to get into the car. When we crashed into a telephone pole the people took us out of the car I fought and got a bloody nose dad shot a gun and got me, Mary, and my baby girl Lily, but Rachel was still in the car.

Lily's POV:

Rachel screamed and we saw Ray had a gun to his head he dropped his own gun got Rachel out of the car. Robbie grabbed me and carried me bridal style into the cafe and sat down gunshots went off Robbie, Ray, and Mary watched while Rachel ran to Robbie, but as he held her he told me to stay right where I was. After a while Robbie let Rachel go into Mary's arms and he went and held me. He kissed my head as we sat there and tried to calm down from the events that just happened. Robbie was my lover and savior and I would never let him die, so if he did go with the army I gave him my necklace of a wolf and dragon to protect him when I wasn't there. "Keep this with you love and don't lose it, it will protect, guide, and remind you of and for me. I love you with all my heart Robbie don't you ever forget it." "I won't baby girl I will keep it with me until you want it back, but I want you to have this for the same reason and I love you with all my heart. Lily you are my first and last love sweetheart and if you ever need me just hold it and think of me, honey I love you." He had given me a silver cross necklace with dog tags that had his name on them. "I will love, always and forever." 

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