Chapter 13 Lily getting better

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Robbie's POV:

My Lily was getting over being sick and after a long time we waited for her to get better.

After five weeks she finally woke up. "Hey baby girl." "Hey" "Take it easy honey you just got over a fever." "I did?" "Yeah how do you feel?" "Better enough to kiss you I think?" I laughed at least my girl still has a spark that makes me love her more. "I love you sweetheart, I really do." "Me too love, me too." After that we kissed and fell asleep.

Lily's POV:

I was happy to be back in my lover's arms and didn't want him to go again I tried to give him back his necklace, but he said I looked good with it and I told him he could keep my necklace still. After a couple weeks of dating and living together Mary and Ray got married and Robbie and me were married after we turned 18 and now I am sleeping in his shirt and boxers while he wore his sweat pants. After a few months I threw up and Robbie held my hair back. "Are you ok baby?" "Yeah, but I want to go to the hospital in a couple weeks if this keeps up." "Alright, love we will."

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