Chapter 1😍

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Raven's POV

Melissa kissed people goodnight as I rest on her couch. The party was soo good until we played truth or dare.

"Gurl, You're still a virgin?" She asked.

"Can you shut the fuck up about it?" I said annoyed.

"Sorry. It was a game."

"Doesn't mean I want everyone to know about it."

"Alright. Don't worry, you'll get some dick soon."

"Oh from where?"

"Follow me."

"A dating website!?" I yelled. Melissa giggled and typed in her password before the screen showed a bunch of horny teenagers showing their abs.

"Are you serious?" I giggled.

"Yes girl I'm serious. Look, there's all types of guys you can get on here. I even fucked one of them."


I see some guys who were really ugly, like acne all over their face ugly and they had the NERVES to have a profile. Melissa seemed to be more into this than me. We stayed up for hours, looking at her computer, searching for guys I would never be interested in. Until she slammed her nail into my leg to wake me up. I yell and tackle her to the ground. She kissed my cheek and smiled.

"I found the guy for you. Look."

I got off her and we both looked at the screen. On the screen there was a guy there. He had pale white skin and big dark blue eyes. I must admit he had a cute smile but you can never trust that.

"Like his picture and he'll respond within two seconds."

I scoffed and liked his shit before sitting on the floor and grabbing a cigarette. Just as I was about to lit it up, Melissa pulled my hand and made me look at the comment section.

PrettyWhiteBOY: Hey there!

I gasped while Melissa smacked my ass.

"Go for it. I gotta grab something from downstairs." She said while leaving the room. I sit down and try typed in–

SingleMelisaa: Hi!

PrettyWhiteBOY: How are you doing?

SingleMelisaa: I'm doing well. How about you?"

PrettyWhiteBOY: I'm good. Can't complain. So you're single?

SingleMelisaa: Yes I am.

PrettyWhiteBOY: Ok then. What guy are you looking for?

SingleMelisaa: Someone strong, confident and can always treat me like a princess.

PrettyWhiteBOY: I might just be the guy for you but if only you're ready.

SingleMelisaa: Yeah. I'm ready to go there.

PrettyWhiteBOY: Ok then. Let's exchange some pictures and numbers and we'll set up a date.

I nervously laughed. A picture? He wants a picture already?

SingleMelisaa: Of course. Can I get your number first? I want you to save this picture."

PrettyWhiteBOY: Mmm....I like the sound of that. 201-877-6941❤️

"Melissa!!" You called. She came running into the room with an outfit in her hands.

"Here." She said. She threw the outfit towards me and I caught it with one hand. I looked down at it and raise an eyebrow.

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