Chapter 2😍

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Raven's POV

"Come on Melissa! Help me pick out an outfit. He wants to take me to breakfast and it's 12:30!" I asked her. She groaned and yawned her body before getting out your bed and pulling out some clothes.

"Hey. Try this on and leave me alone. I'm tired as shit." She said before flopping back on her bed. I scoffed and grabbed the first thing I saw and put it on.

"This will have to do

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"This will have to do." I said. I thanked a sleeping Melissa as I ran downstairs and walked down the block. So I'm guessing he trying to meet at McDonald's or Burger King so I texted him.

Me: Good morning!

Guy on the internet: Hi! So I'm on my way to pick you up. Where are you?

Me: I'm standing in front of McDonald's.

Guy on the internet: Ok. See you in a sec.

I smiled and check my makeup on my phone. I messed up a little bit on my eyebrows. So I take out my eyeliner and did a little coloring in. I accidentally dropped my purse and went down to pick it up.

But it turd out someone got it before me.

"Is this yours,ma'am?"

I looked up at the person and gasped. It's the guy from the site. Oh my god! He looked so much better in person and he didn't even have a suit on. He was dressed casual, like he's on his way to a library or brunch. He smiled and extended his hand.

"You must be the girl that I met last night. You're very beautiful." He said as he leaned in to kiss my cheek. I bite down on my lip and looked up at him. My insides were bursting. Why I'm I so nervous?

"Y–Yeah. I'm Raven. The girl who sent that picture to you."

"Hmm. I'm Kevin. The guy who did the same thing."

He held my hand as we walked to his car. Nothing fancy. Just a black Jeep. I climbed inside and he gets in.

"I hope you like to go fast."

"Ooh...I like fast."

He slammed his foot on the gas and the car drives down the highway like he's in a damn race.

30 minutes later we arrived at a fancy place called, "Springs" and we grabbed a table up top where the sun will shine on our faces. As we sat down, I looked over to the sun and gasped.

"Wow! It's so beautiful up here. I never–"

"–Experience anything like this?"


"Well you can expect a lot of these things to happen if we move forward in this "relationship"

Wow. He really want us to be together.

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