Chapter 9😍

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Y/n's POV

The Next Day

After dinner, Kevin and I arrived back at his place and had some cuddling time. But little did he know, I set my alarm clock at 6:30 so I can meet this woman tomorrow. Even though Kevin said he doesn't know her, I wasn't convinced with his statement. I rolled out of bed and put on the clothes I had on before. I walked out Kevin's house and proceeded my way to the the park. I see a spot by the fountain and sat on the bench and looked around the area to see if the woman is close by.

I sighed and looked down at my phone. 2 text messages from Karen.

Karen: Morning Honey. I'm on my way there.

Karen: You look lovely. Turn around and you'll see me.

I looked around and saw Karen walking up to me. She had such beautiful brown hair. I bring my hair to the side and mumbled a curse before she sat down in front of me.

"Raven. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"So you want to know how I know Kevin?"


"So it all started when we were young, I was a child, hopelessly in love with this man. We were together for 6 years straight before he actually proposed to me. I found out I was pregnant around 20 so I kept the baby a secret from him because of his violent behavior."

"'s the father?"

"Yes. How do you feel about that?

"I don't know what to say honestly. He never acted violent with me before." I lied to make myself seem special.

"You sure about that honey? You may look innocent but I can tell he had his hands all over you." She said while smirking. I fold my arms and touched the necklace Kevin put on me. So she knows. Karen laughed and stood up. She grabbed her purse and walked over to me.

"You're cute I'll give you that but honestly you have to know he's playing you. All he cares about is having a pretty girl who's willing to sacrifice her innocence for the sake of his "desires". basically what I'm saying is...get out and stay far away from him as you can."

I looked away from her and looked down at my hands. It's not like I love this man but I wanted to continue this relationship I had with him. It's fun. I looked back at Karen only to see she had already walked away. I sighed and checked on my phone. 1 received a message from Kevin and 2 messages from Melissa. I decided to open up Melissa's first.

Melissa: Hey bestie. When are you coming home? I got a surprise for you!

Melissa: HELLOOO! Get back with me bitch!

I rolled my eyes and playfully texted back: On my way ho!

Then I looked at Kevin's message. It reads:

Kevin: 🛌🍆🍑

I shyly texted him back: Maybe. If I'm feeling to it.

I walked away from the park and started my way back to Melissa's house. Once the door opened, I get tackled by her. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and I groaned before laughing. .

"Alright. Alright. You know I don't really like hugging."

"I'm sorry. It's just....I really missed you. But look I got to show you something!" She pulled me up to my feet and we both race up stairs to see an outfit laying on the bed.

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