Chapter 8 😍

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Raven's POV

"Wake up baby."

I smiled in my sleep and snuggled closer to Kevin's warm body.

"Two more minutes." I whispered. Kevin kissed my head and rolled me over till I was on top of him. Finally I opened my eyes and sighed.

"Where are we going again?"

"To your birthday dinner."

"Oh right."

I stripped my clothing and slipped on my dress. It fitted me nicely. It hugged my curves and made my ass popped out. I looked good. Kevin wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"You look beautiful in fact we have five minutes left before we can get to the restaurant."

"Don't you want to get there early so we can check in?"

"Fuck checking in." Kevin pushed me back on the bed and unzipped my dress. I tried to push him off playfully but he got rough and cuffed my wrists so I couldn't move. Once he had my entire dress off, he pat my right ass cheek and chuckled.


Five hours later......

We arrived at a fancy dinner place called "CoCo" and got seats all the way in the back of the restaurant. There were so much people in here. I started to feel insecure about myself. Kevin placed his hand on my thighs and kissed my neck.

"What wrong?"

"It's just.......I'm not used to this environment or being treated like this–"

"Like royalty?"

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong, I'm graceful but I'm more of a stay-home type of girl."

"I understand. But it's your birthday. I thought about doing something special for you because....I like you."

"Wow. We fucked about how many times and we're still at the "like" stage."

Kevin laughed and squeezed my thighs again, making me jab his chest with my elbow.

"Stop. We're in public."

"I don't care where we are. I'll still fuck you hard and good."

"Is that so?" I said sarcastically.

"Yep. Show everyone in this restaurant who you belong to."


"Shut your mouth, kitten."

I do so and spread my legs wider until they were on the edge of my seat. Kevin went down under the table and rubbed my vagina. I gasped and grabbed the large menu to hide my complete embarrassed face. But with a little bit of motivation, I pressed Kevin's head gently down till his mouth was on my pussy. He kissed it once, then licked it. He began probing deeper and deeper with his tongue until he tasted my juices dripping into his mouth. I moaned and wiggled on the table for a while holding his head against my crotch. I heard footsteps walking up to us but I was too distracted that I didn't noticed a woman standing in front of me. I looked up at her with drained eyes and she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you Raven?"


"Well nice to meet you. I'm Karen. Kevin's ex-fiancé."

Kevin seemed to have stopped eating me for a minute once he heard the name Karen. I folded my arms and looked at the woman. She checked her makeup in the mirror before eyeing at me again. She wore a beautiful white dress that hugged all of her curves and displayed nice her long legs so beautifully.

"So Raven

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"So Raven. How's you and Kevin?"

"Umm.....we're good?"

"Mmm. That's good to know. Has he ever.....touched you inappropriately?"

"No? Wait, um....who are you again?"

"I'm Karen. His fiancé. Well ex."

"So you were his ex-fiancé? What happened?"

"That's another story for another time. I don't want Kevin to come back here and see me so here's where we can meet. Tomorrow at 7 am. Goodbye." She placed a sticky note on the table and with that she walked off. Kevin rose from the ground and held my hand as I placed the note in my bra.

"You Ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You know that woman?"

"I don't think so."

"Well she sure knows you."

Kevin didn't even look at me, instead he looked back at the menu and smiled.

"So anyways, what are you having for dinner, love?"

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