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Raven's POV

As I rouse from a heavy slumber I am first aware of the coolness of the air and it's loamy fragrance. I looked over to see Kevin sleeping so peacefully. His eyes flickered and moved around a little bit before he moved around to change his position. I climbed out of his bed and make my way to the bathroom. I take a hot warm shower and brush my teeth before putting back on the clothes I worn yesterday. Kevin was sitting on the bed, breathing slowly until he looked up at me.


"Yeah? You Ok?"

"Yes." He said while getting out of bed and walking up to me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before smiling.

"How was your sleep?"

"Lovely." I replied while checking myself out in he mirror. Kevin grabbed his towel and make his way to the bathroom.

"Oh. Don't leave yet. We have some things to discuss." He said. I nodded and waved goodbye to him before rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Ok what does he have in this bitch? I have a taste for bacon and scrambled eggs. I opened the fridge and saw exactly what I was looking for. I got to cooking. The bacon sizzled, the eggs popped. I'm a damn good cook. I set a plate for Kevin and I as I heard him walking down the stairs. He sat in the chair and started eating. A smile crawled to his lips as he watched me eat silently.

"This is good, Raven."


I looked over to the side of him and saw a piece of paper with a large title saying, "CONTRACT" I grabbed it and gulped at all the lists of how to be a Submissive and more details of BDSM. Kevin set the pen in front of me as I continued to read.

"So........I'm the Submissive? I have to submit myself to you?"

"Yes. You will be asked to do things that you haven't been asked to do before. But like I said earlier, I will NEVER do anything you're not comfortable with doing so you have to let me know when I got too far."

He's consistent  I'll give him that but I'm basically giving up my body to him. I bite down my lip and sighed.

"But what happens after....we do the ropes and shit? We....?"

Kevin didn't reply. He only looked down at my trembling hands as I reached for the pen. I sighed again and wrote my my name in cursive. Kevin immediately gets up and planted his lips on me. I take a sharp breath in and rose up to grab his cheeks but he gripped down and bring them behind my back.

"I guess you didn't read everything on that paper. No touching my face, princess."

"But I–"

"Shhhh..."He brought his fingers to my lips and chuckled.

"No speaking yet."

"Yes sir."

I gasped. I can't believe I just said that. I didn't like this feeling.  I feel.....dirty.

Kevin smirked and kissed me. I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him but then he slammed them down to my waist and frowned not the kiss.

"I said no touching. One more time and that will be a punishment." He said. I kept my hands to my sides as he continued to kiss all over my body. Boy, did I wanted to touch his face and his neck. I whimpered a little as he sucked on my collarbone, Kevin chuckled and gripped my throat with his lips stroking my cheek. My heart stopped as he throws my head back and kissed down my neck again.

"Playroom." He said. I followed him inside the room. A sudden feeling of guilt sinked in my stomach. Kevin spin me around roughly. "Strip. Completely. Then kneel in front of the bed until I'm done changing."

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