Chapter 14😍

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Raven's POV

4 months later

I held my gigantic stomach as I walked inside of the courtroom. If only I haven't said anything about my pregnancy, we wouldn't be going through this right now. Melissa held my arms and looked over at me.

"You ready?"

"I guess so. I just wish I haven't–"

"Don't blame yourself ok? You didn't know. Besides once they see what he has done to you, he'll won't ever get a chance to see your son and daughter."

I nodded and we walked inside the courthouse. It was empty only a few people were already seated on the benches. I take a moment to look over to the left and see Kevin talking to his lawyer. She gripped his shoulder and smiled at him so he smirked at her. How could any flirt with this man? They must be crazy that's why.

Kevin glared over at me and smiled brightly. He jumped up and proceeded to make his way towards me. Melissa stood in my way.

"Oh my god! You're so big! You look beautiful Rave–"

"Hey! Don't talk to her!" Melissa yelled. She got into Kevin's face and pointed her finger at him.

"You don't have the right."

Kevin didn't say anything but he sure kept his eyes on me. I knew this was a bad idea. I should of just stayed home. I started to feel lightheaded. Melissa had to give me three cups of water to cool off. Before the judge came, I can still feel his piercing eyes looking at me. I couldn't help but glaze over at him every now and then. The judge finally arrived to the stand and she frowned at both Kevin and I.

"Ok so Kevin View, we are here today because you would like to have weekly visitation for your future children but Raven Miller doesn't think that would be a good idea since you've supposedly sexual assaulted her and her friend that is with her today. I would like to hear what Raven have to say today."

I stood up and walked over to Kevin's table. His mouth watered as I was in front of him. A smirk appeared on his face which made me cringe and nervously tapped my thighs.

"Kevin.......what you did to me and my friend the other night was unspeakable. I never felt so embarrassed and ashamed to be a woman. Now as you can see, I am one month closer to having my children and I would appreciate if you weren't around to see that. You are nothing to me and you will always be a nobody as long as I'm alive."

Kevin's face darken as I sat down. Finally that weight fell off my chest even the judge looked surprised at my statement. Kevin whispered something to his lawyer and smirked. She stood up and grinned as well.

"We have no comments, your honor."

"Ok. We will meet next week Monday to discuss the case further."

I quickly walked out of the courtroom and let the air hit my skin. Melissa came up behind me and smiled.

"You Okay?"

"I.....think so. I'm actually been feeling lightheaded a lot." I said. Melissa made me sit on the ground for a second before running over to her car that was a block away. A hand rubbed my back as I held my stomach. I can smell his scent but I was too focused on my aching belly.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"You know....this all could of been avoided if you didn't–"

"AH!" I cried out. I felt liquid running down my legs and I started to feel pain around my stomach.

No. I thought I had one more month to go. Kevin realized what was happening and lifted me up in his arms. He placed me in the car and drives off. I take quick and slow breaths as he drove passed red lights and green lights. He looked at me and frowned.

"Try to take it easy!"

"Easy? EASY!? I'm in so much pain, you motherfucker!"

"I'm sorry. Just relax and take deep breaths. I'm here with you." He said while holding my hand. I nodded and listen to what he said. Then I started pushing so that the process can be easier in the hospital. God. It hurt like hell but I continue pushing. Kevin stopped the car and opened my side.

"Oh my god! You're doing it? We're not even near the hospital yet!" He yelled. After a couple of seconds, he made my chair leaned back and lifted my dress. I didn't budge or do anything but let him do what he was doing.

"I can see the head. Fuck. We're doing this. Ok, push baby."

I pushed as hard as I could, making myself and Kevin cringe. After a couple more pushes, I can hear the tiniest cries from my babies. I held one of them as Kevin held the other one. After an hour later, Kevin was playing  peekaboo with both of the babies as I get myself cleaned. I just gave birth in a car with the man who raped me. Weird huh?

I weakly snatched both of my kids and snarled at Kevin. He frowned and gripped my arm.

"Hey! There my kids. I need to–"

"What you need to do is back up! Just because you did a good deed doesn't mean I forgive you."

"Oh come on! I thought you wanted that. Remember you signed a contract, so that means I own you."

"No! You don't own me! You piece of shit!" I spat. Kevin covered my mouth. I set the kids down before started wrestling with him. He was stronger than me but I handled me own. Unfortunately He held me down and pinned my arms above my head. His mouth on mines. It wasn't a bad kiss but.....I didn't want him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I snorted and looked over to the side where the window was. I see cops coming towards us so I raised an eyebrows at Kevin and he sighed.

"Can you please drop the charges? Please? I want to be with my kids! And I want to be with you?"

"Why? Why me?"

"Why? You–you want to know why?"


"Because YOU ARE MINE."

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