Chapter 10 😍

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Raven's POV

"Alright fellas. Time to go." Someone said. I wake up to found a naked Marlon on me and I was covered with his jacket. Good. I nodded and put my clothes back on, I turned to Marlon and quickly placed my number on his back. As I was walking out the club, I noticed glass on the floor and blood? What the hell happened last night? I started to my way to my house but my phone started ringing. I answered it and started laughing.

"Melissa. I know, I know. I'm must've drank too much and got–"

"This isn't Melissa. It's your owner, Kevin."

I gasped and stared off into the distance. Why does Kevin have Melissa's phone? Better yet, where's Melissa? I started to walk towards the police station but Kevin chuckled.

"Stop moving. You see, I have your friend's phone. So you can guess where your friend is now right?"

"She's....she's with you?"

"Good girl. Yes, she's with me. And if you want her to live, I suggest you listen and do everything I say."

"Ok ok. I'll do anything please don't–"

"Shut the fuck up and hurry to the club's parking lot."

I hurried into the parking lot and saw no cars there but then a black SUV pulled up and I climbed inside the car. The first thing that happened was my head getting bashed into the air bag area. I grabbed my head and looked over at Kevin. He had a black and whit suit but it was unbutton, showing his beautiful biceps.

"Like what you see Raven? I don't know, but that outfit is sure looking nice on you. How about you be a good girl and give daddy a kiss?"

I gulped and moved over to kiss his cheek but he gripped my shoulders and pulled me down on his pants.


"I didn't mean that kiss Raven. Have you lost your marbles?" He said as he forced my head down on his pants. My breathing was limited but I can tell Kevin didn't care.

"Hey! Let her go!" I hear Melissa yelled. Kevin shushes her and pulled me up so I can breathe. My face was hot and I started crying. Kevin wiped my tears away and unzipped his pants, revealing his large penis.

"No. I don't wanna–"

"It's not about what you want. It's about what I need. So suck me good and I might let you both go."

I sniffle and nodded quickly. Kevin forced my mouth open before thrusting himself deep inside my mouth, nearly choking me. I mumbled a cry but Kevin only giggled.

"Use you tongue, bitch."

I could barely fit my mouth around it. He slapped me hard and told me to open wider. I tried to open my mouth as wide as I could and relax my throat as he pushed his cock into my throat inch by inch until he was in balls deep, gagging and choking me. He pinched my nose shut and I couldn't breathe. Finally he took his cock out and I took a deep breath just in time as he pushed it back in again. He grabbed my hair and used it to fuck my face. He forced me to deep throat his cock and pushed my face into his groin. I tried to lick and suck his huge cock as best as I could while he fucked my face because I figured the sooner he came, the sooner this ordeal would be over.
But He didn't came instead he pulled my head away and made me look out the window. My throat was sore and in pain. I didn't say anything on our way to his house. Once we were inside, Kevin made Melissa and I go straight to the Red Room. Melissa was cuffed to the bed and I was tied to the wall in front of Kevin. He pulled his shirt off and smirked evilly at me. My eyes widened as he take his pants off.

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