Chapter 13😍

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Raven's POV

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts tried to catch up.

"I'm–I'm, What? Who's the–"

"Kevin View. It seems like you're pregnant with twins."

"TWINS??" I yelled. Melissa placed her hand on my shoulders and sighed deeply.

"I'm so sorry."

I take a seat by the door and grasped my cheek. Why haven't I noticed this before? I looked down at my stomach and grabbed it. This is not how I wanted my babies to come. I looked back at Melissa and she shrugged.

"I didn't mean anything by what I said five days ago."

"It's fine. Ma'am, does Kevin need to know that I'm pregnant with his child?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

I take a couple of deep breaths and held on to Melissa's hand. I'm so happy I didn't drink that night. I stood up and walked out the door. Marlon...was sitting on one of the benches holding flowers in his hands. Once he heard footsteps, he looked up at us and smiled like he was gonna get a high five instead I walked up to him and slapped him across the face.

"What did I–"

"How fucking dare you show up here after what you done to me?"

"Look, keep quiet. I don't want the cops showing up here."

"Too late." Melissa said. I see three security guards running towards us, one of them grabbed Marlon and shoved him to the ground. He looked at Melissa and pointed a finger at her.


"It doesn't excuse what you did to my best friend, asshole."

And with that she held my hand and we both walked out of the hospital. My other hand still on my belly. I can't believe it. I'm having two babies all by myself.

"I'll be with you every step of the way. You know that right?" Melissa asked. We started walking towards a hotel building since we can't go back to the house due to the investigation. All I wanted was a hot bath and a warm bed to sleep in.

An hour later...

"Yes, chicken and plain fried rice? No. I didn't ask for an egg roll. Look, just get me my two orders here now!!" Melissa yelled on the phone. I didn't pay her any mind. I was relaxing in my hot tub, chugging down water instead of champagne. Just how I wanted it to be. Melissa walked up to me and smiled.

"You look relaxed."

"That's because I am."

"Then I'll leave you alone. The food should be here shortly." She said while walking out. My phone beeped twice and I answered it quietly.


"RAVEN! Oh my god! It's so good to hear your voice."

I almost choked on my drink. Why–wait, how does Kevin have my number if he's in custody?

"Hello? You still there? I heard what happened. I'm so sorry."

"You–you are NOT sorry. Now because of you and your fucking problems, I'm pregnant."

There was dead silence between the both of us until I can hear someone yelling or......cheering? Kevin laughed on the line and clapped his hands.

"That's great baby. You're carrying my child–"

"No children. I'm having.....twins." I whispered. Kevin chuckled some more but I couldn't bear it anymore so I just hanged up. There goes my night. Melissa came back with a towel and dried me off.

"Who were you talking to?"


"The hell does he want?"

"To check in on me."

"You didn't tell him anything, right?"

"Only that I'm 4 months pregnant with his baby."

"Oh that's not a big deal. He'll never get to see your beautiful babies."

"I haven't even made up my mind if I wanted to keep them. I can't raise a baby by myself and it's bad enough I'm having two."

"You're not going to raise them alone. I'll be here by your side. And you are keeping them. We're gonna show Kevin that these two babies will never ever turn out to be like him."

I sighed and smiled at Melissa. She sure knows how to cheer me up. We walked over to the bed and my mouth watered as I see my food laying beautifully on the covers. I ate in peace and watched late sitcoms with Melissa but still in the back of my mind all I could think about was the fact Kevin was happy that I was pregnant. It sounded more like he had something up his sleeve.

Kevin's POV

"Ok boy. We got you your lawyer."

I stood up and put both of my hands in my pockets. Instead of a man waiting towards the gates, it was a woman. A pretty one in fact. She stood by the gates with a smirk on her lips.

"What are you smiling for?" I asked.

"You and I just got lucky."


"You'll see."
Raven's POV

11:45 pm


I groaned as I reached my arm over to the dresser. I saw an unknown number on the phone. I bet it was Kevin but I don't want to speak with him right now. OR AT ALL. I let the phone buzz for a couple of seconds before it stopped. I smirk and proceeded to go back to sleep but then my phone lights up three times so I looked down at it to see messages from the unknown number.

Unknown number;  Hello baby♥️ I got some good news. I'm getting out of jail thanks to you.

Unknown number: You told me that you are pregnant. I was so happy but then I have to ask you this, What did you think? That I won't be able to see my kids because I'm in jail? Ha. You just made life easier for me.

Unknown number: I'll be seeing you real soon. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

My face fell faster than a corpse in cement boosts. In that instant my mouth hung with lips slightly parted and my eyes were so wide as they could stretch. Melissa tapped my shoulder and sighed.

"Hey is everything ok?" She asked quietly.

I was finally able to clear my throat and rest my lips.

"No. I fucked it. Bad."

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