Chapter 11😍

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Raven's POV

"Time to wake up ladies."

I tried to pretend I was dead but Kevin punched me in the face making me groaned angrily. Melissa also moaned, which made Kevin chuckled.

"You guys did well last night. But the show must go on."

I felt myself being slipped from the bed and made to stand up straight so he could tie me up. Kevin tapped Melissa's face and her red tired eyes looked over at me.

"See? This is what she does for me. I tie her up like this and she lets me have my way with her. You wouldn't believe all the–"

Melissa spits in Kevin's face and he gently wiped the spit before choking her. I gasped weakly and whispered, "Don't. Please." Kevin released Melissa and smacked her cheek.

"See? Your friend just saved your life. So I should reward her right?" Kevin asked. Melissa gasped and looked at me. I nodded at her and smiled.

"I–I can take it...."I said. Kevin raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh really? Let's begin then. Make sure you keep watch honey."

Kevin walked up to me and sighed.

"Do you agree to do whatever I say, bitch? " He whispered in my ear.

I nodded, my eyes still closed. I was pulled back from my sick ecstatic state by a strong slap on my face.

"When I ask a question, I expect a proper answer slut."

I let out a breath, my arousal in check and said, "Yes, Kevin."

Slap! Another slap on the same cheek.

"No. Not Kevin. MASTER!"

Kevin pinched my nipple suddenly, brutally hard, and I gasp. He twisted the nipple another turn with each minute that goes by.

"Yes, Master, of course," I reply as my eyes begin to water from the pain.

"God, I love seeing You hurt for me," He growls as I rub my hand against his jeans.. He shoved my hand back and made me look into his eyes.

Butterflies begin to dance in my stomach, but Kevin's familiar touch calmed me as he gently pull my head towards him, kissing me deeply.

"Relax," He order. Kevin come to stand behind me, his hands roaming over my breasts and hips. Then he gently push my hair to one side and unfasten the necklace that he gave me. He kiss my neck gently before placing a new play collar around my neck and fastening it securely.

Kevin's head dips to suck on one of my nipples, pinching the other nipple between his fingers. My nipples are already hard with arousal, but they harden further as he continue to play with them and I begin to moan as his pinching becomes firmer and his teeth nip at them.

"Since we have a guest, we need you to look your best," He tell me, smiling as he pull a pair of nipple clips out of his pocket. Kevin place one on each nipple, squeezing the ends together and giving them a tug to make sure that they are securely attached. They exert a constant pinch on my nipples without being too uncomfortable and the loop hangs down, giving the appearance of a ring piercing.

Kevin's hand on my shoulder silently commanded me to kneel and I obey. "Spread your knees," He command. I widen my legs, exposing myself to him. Kevin pull my hands behind me and clip the wrist cuffs together before placing a blindfold over my eyes, adjusting it so that I cannot see anything. He gently pull my shoulders back, reminding me to push out my breasts.

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