Chapter 6 😍 (short)

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Raven's POV

"Ok. Hold my hand and it's only going to hurt for a second." Melissa said. I gripped both of her hands and laid down on the bench as the artist behind me grabbed her tattoo pen.

"You ready?" The woman asked.

"I guess?" I replied nervously.

She pricked me with the needle and a scream escaped from my lips. Melissa tried to contain her laughter as I continue to holler out and scream. Fifteenth minutes later, my entire body was in pain.

"Almost done."

"You better be!" I yelled through my gritted teeth.

Once I felt the pen moving away from my back, I relaxed my body and looked at the mirror Melissa had in her hand. The tattoo came out perfectly.

Just how I wanted it too

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Just how I wanted it too. I lifted myself off the bench and sighed out in relief. I might as well go outside and cool off. It's hot in there.

"Imma go get something to eat. You want anything?" I asked Melissa as she sat down on the bench to get ready for her tattoo.

"Um....maybe a blueberry muffin?"

"I got you."

I walked out of the tattoo place and make my way to the cafe that's right across the street. It was pretty crowded in there so I had to sneeze my way through to the register. There was a man in front of me, talking on the phone. Pretty loudly if I might add. Everyone can hear his whole conversation.

"Look Karen. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Just because we had sex that night doesn't mean I want to be with you. Goodbye!"

He hanged up and started typing furiously on his phone. I looked over to the side and saw the lady at the cash register waiting for him. I tapped on his leather black jacket and smiled.

"Excuse me sir. The cashier is waiting for you."

"Well she's going to have to–"

And then There was a silence. The drinkers in the cafe all continued to talk vehemently, casting uneasy glances. I stared at the man in front of me. I never thought I would see him again. But there he was, Kevin View.

I closed my mouth tightly and started to walk out of the store but he gripped my hand

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I closed my mouth tightly and started to walk out of the store but he gripped my hand. I twisted my body around and stomped my shoe on his foot which made him groaned loudly and pulled me into his arms to make it look like we were hugging.

"Get the hell off me you bastard!"

"Stop! Stop! I......I want to talk to you."

"Talk to me? There's no talking after what you did." I said while pulling away but his grip was strong.

"No wait please! Let's...sit down. We're attracting attention."

I sighed and sat with him in the corner of the cafe. I never got the chance to get the muffin but all that could wait. Kevin sat in front of me and drank his coffee before looking over at me.

"I apologize." He finally said.

"That's it? That's all you have to say to me?"

"Look, what else do you want me to say? I never had to apologize for something like this. Usually women liked when I do something like that–"

"Well. I ain't other women. I don't like that at all. You went too hard on me."

"And I'm sorry. Can we......(sigh) start over?"

"Start over how?"

"I don't know! Maybe be friends."

Hmm. That's not a bad idea.

"With benefits?" He asked with a hint of hesitation. I sighed and fold my arms. I guess I'm too irresistible for him. But I ain't gonna just take him back as my "master" or whatever it says to call him in he contract. I grabbed his hand and raised an eyebrow at Kevin.

"Fine. I'll give you another chance but if you fuck up this time, it's all on you."

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