Chapter the Third: Who Are You?

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Word Count: 1645

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Back at the cave where the Baudelaires were staying, when they had woken up that morning, they had woken up to the snapping of a camera. They saw that a lady was taking a picture of them, some lady who wasn't Eleanora Poe, but said something like her, "Baudelaire Orphans Seeking Refuge in Coral Cave, wait until the readers of the City News see that!", then she ran out of the cave.

Violet and Klaus looked at each other with worry. They both knew that there were good and bad sides to her putting this in the newspaper. First off, their enemies could find them, which of course, was bad. But, their friends could find them too, which was really, really good.

"Should we do something about that?" Klaus asked.

"What can we do? Plus, at least people we can trust can find us," Violet said, standing up and stretching.

"Or our enemies could see that as an opportunity to hurt us..." Klaus added in his thoughts.

"Well... hopefully we won't be here much longer, so by the time our enemies come, we will be gone," Violet countered as she tied her hair up.

"And our noble allies will come just in time to find us?" He asked, and Violet nodded, then she smiled.

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Now we will be looking back into the lives of the Quagmires and Carmelita Spats.

The next day, Justice Strauss had come to visit them. Whenever she did this, which was usually once a month, she brought them all little gifts and food, even though they usually told her not to get them gifts.

However, whenever she offered for them to live with her, they politely declined, always saying they didn't want her, or her house to be in danger. They wanted to, they really did, but there were still villains out there and they didn't want those villains finding them and setting her house on fire. She still would ask once or twice whenever she visited. They were always so close to saying yes, but they had a bad feeling about saying yes...

For this visit, Justice Strauss decided to take Duncan and Carmelita with her to pick up some clothes from the tailor and to drop off a letter at the post office, while Isadora and Quigley were sent with some of her money to get groceries. Since she only did come about once a month, she would let them pick it the food they'd need during the month, and that's because she wanted to help them, since they didn't have much money at all.

Her only condition was that they had to wear hats that covered their faces a bit when leaving. They also had to wear different clothes that wouldn't draw attention to them. It worked out well because she let them pick out a hat they liked. Carmelita picked a sunhat, Duncan had picked out a baseball cap, Isadora picked out a fedora, and Quigley had chosen a newsboy hat.

And so, the children set out on their little journeys of this month.

I would like to inform you that I will only be explaining Quigley's experience, because his is the only one that has something interesting in it.

As Isadora and Quigley had headed to the market, they decided to split the grocery list so it would go faster. When they arrived, they both took their own part of the list and headed off.

While Quigley had been picking out fruits to get, he noticed the new newspapers that were laid on the stand's counter. He saw the headline and his heart filled up to the brim with hope. It read, and if you read the beginning of this chapter you already know, "Baudelaire Orphans Seeking Refuge in Coral Cave!"

Quigley took a copy and bought it, since it was cheap, then he quickly finished buying the rest of his groceries.

He then went and found Isadora, showing her the newspaper. The two shared their excitement and hope, then they both headed back to the trolly where they met up with Justice Strauss, Duncan, and Carmelita.

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