Chapter the Fourteenth: Last Chapter

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Word Count: 1329

Violet - 23
Klaus - 21
Sunny - 10
Beatrice II - 8
Quagmires - 22
Carmelita - 20

Shameless self promo warning!

I have a new book called "Isadora Quagmire" out, its the story of what happened to the Quagmire triplets through Isadora's perspective because I love her so much! I'm hoping some if not all of you will check it out, I'm pretty confident that it's good so that's good!

— — —

6 years later...

"Don't be so nervous Quigley, you know it will be fine," Klaus assures Quigley as he held a small ring box in his hands. He was planning to propose to Violet soon, but he got anxious about it.

"What if she says no?" Quigley asked.

"Like she would, you two have been smitten with each other ever since you met and you've never had a fight longer than a day because you two 'didn't want to lose each other', and I quote that from you both," Klaus said to him, pushing up his glasses after.

"I suppose so... I'm just anxious about it anyways..." Quigley said.

"You love Violet right?"

"What kind of question is that?? Of course I do! More than anything," Quigley told Klaus, looking right up at him.

"That's why I'm okay with this. I know she's older and can do whatever she wants... but I think you're the only person I'd ever be okay with seeing Violet marry after... you know..." Klaus told Quigley, and Quigley looked down.

"That's why I'm anxious! What if the Marvelous Marriage play made her change her mind on getting married forever?" Quigley asked.

"She loves you, Quigley. Just tell her that you two don't have to get married. You two should at least get engaged," Klaus said, and Quigley knew he was right.

"Are you going to get married to Isadora?" Quigley asked playfully.

Klaus blushed, thinking about Isadora, "P-probably... if that's okay... you're the oldest so I suppose I should ask you first..."

"I wouldn't let her marry anyone else," Quigley said, winking. Klaus laughed.

. . .

"Vi, Bea and I are gonna go get ice cream, is that okay?" Sunny asked her older sister who was cooking lunch.

"Yeah, just don't stay out too long, alright?" Violet asked, and the girls nodded before leaving.

"Hey Vi," Quigley came out of nowhere and surprised Violet. She jumped a bit before she looked up at him.

"My goodness Quigs you scared me!" She told him, but then laughed.

"I'm sorry," Quigley said, then he walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

"It's alright," she told him, hugging him briefly before she pulled away to continue cooking lunch.

"So why are you down here?" Violet asked.

"Well... I wanted to see you, and also I wanted to know if you'd like to go to dinner together? Tonight?"

"Tonight? Why so soon?" Violet asked.

"Umm... I dunno I guess I just felt like we should go tonight...?" Quigley said, and Violet knew there was another reason.

"Alright," She said and offered a small smile. Quigley grinned, "Alright, when should we go?"

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