Chapter the Thirteenth: Time Will Tell

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Word Count: 740

Yes it's shorter... I just felt it had to end where it did :)

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The sun was warm on Violet's skin as she sat with her love on the beach.

The group had decided to go the the beach again since it was sunny out.

Quigley and Violet watched their family play around on the beach. Duncan and Carmelita chased Sunny and Beatrice around in a game of tag. Isadora and Klaus were taking a walk down the beach together, hand in hand.

Violet leaned her head into Quigley's shoulder, "I hope we can all stay happy like this forever..." she said with a sigh.

"Only time will tell, my dear," Quigley replied. Violet looked toward him and smiled, "I suppose you're right..." she whispered, kissing him gently on the lips.

"Aren't I always?" He asked playfully. Violet rolled her eyes, "Sure," she replied with a laugh.

. . .

That night they all decided to go out to dinner with Justice Strauss and Fiona at a nice restaurant. It was a goodbye, because soon they were going to be moving far away from this city.

The decided it would be better that way. They'd be far away from where their unfortunate events occurred. They decided to move to a town across the country, one by the ocean though, so they could still visit the beach.

It was sad to see them for the last time, but they knew they'd visit each other.

. . .

"You ready?" Quigley asked Violet the next night. They had packed everything up and they were ready to leave their apartment.

Violet took one last look around before looking back at Quigley and nodding, "I suppose I am."

Quigley smiled gently, taking her hand into his as they left together.

Their new life was going to be better. It was going to be their new start.

. . .

They ended up driving for a few days before they arrived at their new home. It was a small two story house almost in the middle of nowhere, 20 minutes from the beach and 30 from the town.

They all climbed out of the car and stared at the home.

"It looks nice," Isadora spoke, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," Duncan agreed.

Violet walked up to the front door, the keys to their home jingling in her hand as she walked up the steps of their front porch. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, everyone followed.

They saw a living room to their left, the dining room in the back, and the doorway to the kitchen. In front of them was a staircase, and to the right was a hallway to their study and library.

"Wow..." Violet whispered.

"Yeah..." Quigley said.

Duncan closed the door and locked it when everyone stepped far enough inside.

"Everyone, get to bed," Violet told them, "We've got a lot to do tomorrow."

They all obeyed and went upstairs. Quigley turned to Violet.

"Goodnight my love," He said, kissing her forehead, then he walked upstairs.

Violet smiled to herself as she watched him go, then she went upstairs as well. She fell asleep almost immediately after she laid down on her bed.

. . .

That night Violet woke up from a nightmare. She often had them but lately she hadn't... and now she did again?

She sighed, remembering when Quigley gave her a small lecture about how she should wake him up.

She sighed, then pulled the covers off and hopping out of bed. She ran across the cold floor and out of her room. She went across the hall and down two doors to the left, then she opened the door there as quietly as possible.

She slipped through the gap between the door and the doorway, then she closed the door quietly. She tiptoed over to Quigley's bed, then she knelt by where he slept and shook him gently.

He opened his eyes up slightly, then he saw Violet and opened them up all the way, and he sat up.

"Vi? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I had a nightmare..." Violet responded with a whisper.

Quigley frowned, "What was it about?"

"Same as last time... it always seems to be generally the same one..." Violet told him sadly.

Quigley scooted over in his bed and opened his arms. Violet smiled, climbing into his bed and under the covers. She laid a head onto his shoulder and he wrapped his arms tightly around her. Violet snuggled into him and smiled. Maybe this new home actually would be good for them.

This was their new start.

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