Chapter the Twelfth: The Rain is Falling, and So Am I

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Word Count:1398

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Violet woke up late that morning, but she felt a lot better.

She climbed out of bed and left her room. She walked down the small hallway to the main room and saw the others sitting with Justice Strauss. She smiled, walking over to them and sitting next to Quigley.

"Good morning Violet," Justice Strauss greeted her.

"Good morning," she replied.

"How are you feeling today?" Quigley asked.

"Better, a lot better," Violet told him with a smile, which made him feel better.

. . .

After Justice Strauss left, Quigley had made sure that Violet ate her breakfast.

The two were in the kitchen with Violet's empty plate sitting on the counter. Violet sat at the counter and Quigley stood on the other side, talking with her.

"Did you have any nightmares last night?" Violet asked. Quigley shook his head, "I don't think so... unless I just don't remember..."

Violet nodded, "At least you didn't have any you know about..."

"Did you have any?" Quigley asked. Violet looked at him for a moment before she nodded. Quigley frowned and took her hands into his.

"What was it about?" He asked.

Violet looked down, "Umm... well... I think we were kidnapped by Esmé? And Count Olaf was still alive... they were keeping me for the fortune, and Isadora. They tied us up and... they made us watch as they killed you all one by one..." Violet said, and tears filled her eyes as she finished.

Quigley squeezes her hands, "I'm sorry... but you know we'd never let that happen... we'd all figure out a way to escape..."

Violet nodded, "I know. It was just unsettling..."

"Why didn't you come wake me up? You know I would've stayed up with you until you were comfortable with sleeping again."

"I didn't want to disturb you or your siblings... or Carmelita..." Violet whispered, crying now. Quigley pushes her chin up gently so she'd look at him, "I'm sure they would've gotten over it when they figured out why... and of course I wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd prefer it if you'd wake me up when you have a nightmare..."

Violet was silent for a moment, "Okay."

Quigley offered a small smile.

"Oh my goodness it's raining!" Isadora exclaimed when she walked into the area. The two looked over and saw her standing by the window.

They both looked back to each other and laughed.

Isadora turned around and smiled at them, "Aww! You're holding hands!"

The two blushed and pulled their hands away.

Klaus soon came out of his room, walking over to Isadora when he saw her.

"How are the lovebirds?" Violet asked.

Klaus and Isadora blushed, looking at each other, then they looked back, "Good. How're you two lovebirds doing?" Isadora teased.

"Well..." Quigley said, "I was going to ask Violet if she wanted to go to lunch together but since it's raining that won't happen..."

Violet looked over at him, "You were?" She asked, then Quigley nodded. Violet blushed.

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