Chapter the Seventh: Coffee Shops and Small Talk

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Word Count: 1214

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"I got the job!" Quigley announced after he opened up the letter from the coffee shop.

It was about a week or so since Violet had started working, and now Quigley was going to work as well. He couldn't wait to tell her when she got home.

"That's great Quigley!" Isadora praised from the couch, "I'll come visit you if you ever want me to," she told him.

"Hmm... maybe..." he said with a wink.

"I might have to have you make me some coffee to see if you're qualified for the job," Duncan commented, his head still buried in the newspaper.

"I think they've already established that I can do it," Quigley said with a laugh.

"Hmm... alright... I just assumed that someone who can't tell the girl he loves that he loves her can't really make a good cup of coffee..." Duncan said, then peeked at Quigley, giving an evil grin. Quigley rolled his eyes, "I don't even see how that's connected Dunc.... it sounds like your an author of a story who just decided to add in the remark so she could have an excuse to talk about my feelings for Violet..."

Duncan shrugged, "I guess so... huh."

Isadora rolled her eyes at her brothers, "Wait, but seriously, why haven't you told her?" She asked, looking over at Quigley.

He sighed, the thought about it, "I guess that I'm... waiting for the right time? I want to tell her when it feels right..."

"Hmm... okay. Well, let's hope that in that time she doesn't find someone cuter than you and move on with her life," Duncan said.

"That could happen. I'm not that... cute, as you call it," Quigley said, then gesturing to his face.

"You do realize you basically just insulted both of us too, right? We're triplets Quigley..." Isadora told him.

"Oh, right."

They all laughed after that.

. . .

"Good morning," Violet said with a yawn when Quigley walked out of his room.

Quigley walked over to the counter and sat with Violet. She had a messy bun in her hair and was still in pajamas. Quigley's hair was a mess and he was in pajamas too.

"You excited for your first day?" Violet asked, sipping some of her coffee.

Quigley shrugged, "I guess so... I'm just mainly happy that I'll get to see you more than usual..." Quigley confessed, and they both blushed.

"Me too," Violet confessed, breaking her gaze away from Quigley and smiling to herself.

. . .

Quigley had left a couple hours after Violet.

He got to the coffee shop and got his own apron, which excited him. He got to work the cash register, and got a few good customers, and a few rude ones, but he didn't let that ruin his day.

He sighed after he got a particularly rude customer and let the comebacks run through his mind instead of saying them out loud.

He looked up when he saw another customer come up to him, then he smiled widely when he saw Violet. She was grinning at him, looking adorable as always.

"How may I help you?" Quigley asked playfully. Violet laughed and Quigley was sure that that very sound had just made his day.

"I just wanted to see you," She said, and then she bit her lip. Quigley blushed, "Is that all?" He asked.

"Umm... actually I'll take an iced mocha..." She added with a laugh.

Quigley found himself laughing too, "Alrighty then, that will be four dollars even," He told her, and she smiled, pulling out four dollars from her bag.

Violet sat at the counter so she could talk to Quigley.

"So... how was your day?" Quigley asked when he handed her the mocha.

"Ehh... it was alright."

"Just 'alright'?" Quigley asked, raising an eyebrow.

Violet looked down, nodding, then she looked back up at him, "It's better now though," She confessed, blushing. Quigley smiled, "That's good."

They both shared random facts about their days, and some light flirting was tossed around in the mix, until Quigley was finished with his shift.

He put his apron away and he joined Violet by the door.

They both smiled at each other, then walked out of the shop together.

Sometime while walking, Violet had slipped her hand into Quigley's. The two blushed, but they didn't say anything about it.

"How was your first day?" Violet asked, looking at Quigley fondly.

"Good," He said, his eyes drifting over to her.

"That's it?" She asked him with a laugh following. Quigley shrugged, "I dunno... there were good customers and bad customers..." He elaborated.

Violet nodded, "Who was your best customer?" She asked, blushing a deeper red because she knew what he would say.

"Hmm... you," He said, looking over at her and winking. Violet just blushed more, "Of course...:" She backfired playfully.

. . .

Back at the apartment, the day had been pretty interesting. Klaus woke up to the sounds of running and shouting. He shot up and grabbed his glasses, then ran over and opened the door. He found Quigley in his "formal" outfit for work, running around with Isadora chasing him.

"Give it back, Quigley!" she shouted, attempting to reach the thing he had.

"Not until you tell me who these couplets are about!" Quigley insisted. Duncan walked over, pulling Isadora back from Quigley and gently pulling her over to the couch, sitting down with her.

"We just want to know who it is, Issy, then he will give it back," Duncan told her, then she pouted.

"They're... they're about..." Klaus didn't hear the next part because she whispered it to her brothers.

They nodded, "Alright, at least we can trust him," Quigley said, and Duncan agreed.

Klaus felt his heart rate speed up. Did they mean him? There's know way Isadora liked him... But who else could they be talking about?

Klaus had a mental battle with himself for the rest of the day about if they had been talking about him or not. He just figured he would have to find out by either asking Isadora, or one of her brothers.

. . .

Violet and Quigley had arrived home just around when Sunny had started making dinner.

"Hey Sunny," Violet greeted her little sister, who smiled at her older sister.

"Hi Vi, Quigs," She addressed the both of them.

Quigley and Violet pulled their hands away from each other's now, then Violet walked over to Sunny to talk to her, and Quigley went over to his and his sibling's room.

He walked in, then put his stuff down by his books. He walked over to Duncan who sat on his trundle and he sat next to his brother, "How was your first day?" Duncan asked, and Isadora scooted over to the edge of her bed, listening in. Carmelita was sewing on the floor and paused so she could hear too.

"It went well," He told them.

"How was the 'spending more time with Violet' thing?" Isadora asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Quigley blushed, "Amazing, as always," he confessed. Carmelita and Isadora shared a look while 'aweeeee'ing together. Duncan just smiled, "You two really deserve each other. I think you two need to confess before someone explodes from the feelings being locked up," He said, and the girls agreed.

Quigley nodded, "I think I will soon."

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