Chapter the Tenth: Fights and Flashbacks

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I use both TV show and book stuff in here.... I dunno which universe it's in anymore... heh

Word Count: 1229

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Violet had cried after Quigley walked away. She felt broken now, like a piece was missing. She knew she told him to leave, and now she regretted it so much.

She remembered how much she thought of him on the island. Just... every little thing would remind her of him, and she didn't know why. She felt she couldn't be in love with him already, and now she knew she was wrong, because she knew now she was very much in love with him.

She sighed, remembering a one particular thing that really made her think of Quigley.


"Did you pack up food for the journey?" Klaus asked Sunny, referring to the Decision Day coming up for them.

"We leave in a week Klaus... it's a bit early for that," Violet told him.

"I know. But still, we will probably need food. If you check on the map, it will take a while."

Violet's heart sunk. She knew just the small mention of a map shouldn't affect her, but it did, and she couldn't control it.

She sighed, remembering when Quigley had gotten caught on that branch because of him looking at the map... maybe if he had ducked with them, he'd be there with them... or his siblings and him would be there. Or, maybe they'd all be back in they city together, living with Justice Strauss or maybe Hector...

The point was that maybe they would be somewhere better...


Violet frowned at the thought, suddenly realizing how small that was... but they hadn't mentioned the Quagmires much while on the island, knowing it was a sore spot for the both of them. Sunny too, only for her it was less of a sore spot.

Violet thought of what Quigley has done after he left. Did he get mad at her? Did he hate her now? No... that wasn't a Quigley thing. But he probably wouldn't just be fine after she had gotten mad at him...

She started crying more again. All she wanted was for Quigley to be there, holding her. But he was the reason she was crying...

. . .

Quigley had walked over into the kitchen after Violet got upset. He grabbed a cup and poured himself a cup of water.

He sat at the counter and drank the water. He just figured he'd wait until Violet felt better, then he'd go in and find out why she'd been upset.

He sat for awhile and took time to get lost in thoughts. He remembered how much he'd talk about Violet to his siblings, and how they got annoyed after awhile...

"Oh my goodness Quigley! You talk about her so much stoppp..."

That's usually what they would say after awhile. Carmelita didn't get upset about him talking about her though. So he and Carmelita would sit in a room together and she would just listen and let him talk about her. It was nice, and they had a good friendship now.

He smiled, and knew he owed Carmelita. A lot. He figured he'd make it up to her by getting Duncan to be her boyfriend or something.

Quigley smirked, thinking of them as a couple.

Cute. He thought, but Violet and I would be cuter.

He smiled wider at that thought. Then he heard Violet's door open.

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