Chapter the Sixth: A Stressful Day for Miss Violet Baudelaire

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Word Count: 2050

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The next day, when Quigley woke up, he opened his eyes slowly and saw it was still dark out. He knew it was early, but he had gone to bed early so he could wake up and see Violet before she left. He peeked out the window and saw that the sun was just rising up.

He sat up and pulled his legs out from under his covers, almost regretting it when he felt the cold air in the room. He pushed past that and he crawled over to the bunk bed ladder. He climbed down and saw Isadora still sound asleep under her covers. Her long hair was just... everywhere, which he knew wouldn't be a fun thing for her to handle when she got up.

He then stepped past Duncan who slept on the trundle, and he was still asleep too. He had kicked off his blankets at some point, and since it was cold, he was shivering in his sleep. Quigley stopped for a moment, then noticed that. He walked over and picked up Duncan's blankets, then laid them over Duncan carefully.

After that, Quigley checked to make sure Carmelita was doing alright, and she was also sound asleep. He then turned and opened the door carefully, then he stepped out into the main room and closed the door behind him.

He looked around and smiled when he saw Violet sitting by the counter and drinking a cup of coffee.

Violet noticed he had gotten up and smiled back at him. Quigley made his way over to he and hopped onto the seat next to her.

"Good morning," Quigley said cheerfully.

"Good morning Quigs, why're you up so early?" She asked.

"I wanted to see you before you left," Quigley said with a grin. Violet blushed, "Thanks," She said, then she quickly took another sip of her coffee.

Violet checked the time, 6:42, and stood up, turning to Quigley, "I've gotta go... they want me there at 7:00..." she explained, and suddenly really didn't want to leave Quigley.

He offered her a sad smile, "It's alright... I'll see you when you get home," He told her, and she nodded.

Quigley stood up, and the two hugged.

Violet pulled away gently, although she really really didn't want to. She smiled at him one more time before she turned and left for the day.

As she left the apartment and the building, and while walking down the dirty streets of the city, she felt her heart warming up. She thought of Quigley and all the time she spent with him. She now realized how much he affected her. Of course, not at all in a bad way. She found that her thoughts kept drifting back to him the rest of the day.

. . .

Isadora had woken up in a surprisingly good mood that day. She sat up once she opened her eyes and looked around, seeing that her brothers were awake. She looked over to Carmelita's bed and saw that she was still asleep. Isadora suddenly felt proud of herself for being up before someone.

She climbed out of bed and left the room. She closed the door carefully, then she turned around and saw her brothers and Klaus in the kitchen, watching her carefully.

"Good morning!" She said cheerfully, and they raised their eyebrows in surprise. She just smiled in return, then went to the bathroom to brush out her hair.

Quigley turned to Duncan and Klaus, taking a sip of his coffee, "I'm surprised we're still alive..."

"Do you think she's tricking us?" Duncan asked.

"I highly doubt that..." Klaus said.

Then the three boys sat in silence for a little bit.

Isadora spent about 20 minutes brushing out her hair, then styling it. When she was satisfied, she went back out the get some coffee and breakfast from the kitchen.

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