Chapter the Ninth: Confronting These Said Feelings

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Word Count: 1102

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Isadora hadn't let go of Klaus that night after the bathroom incident, but Klaus wasn't complaining at all.

They had all returned to the couches and Isadora had held onto Klaus's arm the rest of the time while they all talked.

They had talked until Fiona left, then after they talked some more.

Some time in there, Violet decided to put Beatrice and Sunny to bed, and Quigley followed.

Violet put Beatrice down in her crib, then Quigley walked Sunny over to her bed.

Violet walked over to Quigley and they smiled at the sleeping girls, but the Violet frowned.

"What's wrong?" Quigley asked, placing a hold onto Violet's shoulder.

"I... I just remembered how our mother used to always spend about 30 minutes trying to get Sunny to fall asleep," Violet said, and tears began to fall down from her eyes, "She was always worried she'd miss something, so it was hard to get her to calm down..." Violet paused as her gaze drifted from Quigley over to Sunny, "She will never remember that..." Violet finished, then her gaze lowered. Quigley was silent, and he pulled her into a hug. Violet cried quietly into his shoulder, and Quigley held her tightly.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. Violet just held him tighter.

Quigley held her there until Violet stopped crying. She pulled away, "How do I look?" She asked. Quigley wipes away her tears, "Beautiful," he whispered. Violet didn't know how to respond for a moment, and she just smiled, hugging him again briefly before she pulled back and they left the room together.

"Are they asleep?" Carmelita asked.

Violet nodded, "Sound asleep."

"Good," Klaus said, then looked over to see that Isadora had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled fondly at her, then he picked her up and went to go put her to bed.

Duncan and Carmelita soon followed, then that left Quigley and Violet on one of the couches together. They both were tired, they just wanted to stay together for a bit longer.

. . .

When Violet woke up, she realized she and Quigley had fallen asleep on the couch...

She opened up her eyes and saw that she had fallen asleep on his chest. She blushed, sitting up, then she stretched. She checked the time and realized she her her work shift in about two hours.

She looked over at Quigley and smiled. She loved him so much. She ran a hand through his messy hair and took a moment to appreciate how cute he looked when he slept. She then stood up and went over to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

. . .

While Violet was on break, she went over to get Quigley so they could spend some time together. Quigley ended up taking Violet's hand and they walked over to the park nearby.

They sat down on the grass underneath a tree and ate some food together, then they talked.

Violet felt so happy the whole time. Quigley was so easy to talk to now. She kind of realized they were best friends right now... but she wanted to be more.

She wanted to tell him, but this didn't seem like the right time to her. Plus, if Isadora was wrong about Quigley loving her back, (which Violet doubted, but there was still something saying it was a possibility), then she didn't want that to ruin what they had right now.

They then walked back to work in time for the rest of their shifts.

. . .

Isadora came to visit Quigley at work that day.

She came in and sat at the counter, and Quigley turned around, jumping a bit when he saw her.

"Hey there, Quigs," she said, looking around, "Nice place you get to work in..." she added.

He smirked, "Yup. Now why're you here?" He asked, suspicious of her.

"Can't I just visit you?"

"You haven't shown up for the first two weeks here and now you're here. We both know there's a reason," he said, and Isadora knew that he was right.

"Okay, fine. I wanted to hear how you feel about Violet... and I wanted to ask you somewhere where you couldn't leave," she explained, smiling pleasantly at the end.

Quigley rolled his eyes playfully, "Alright, I thought you already knew this though. I love her, Issy. What else is there to know?"

"Telll herrrr," Isadora whined, "Please. It's painful to watch you two give each other heart eyes all the time. It's not just effecting you, it's effecting everyone around you too."

Quigley sighed, "I will. Soon. I promise."

"Thanks! Now can I get a hot chocolate?"

. . .

"Hey Vi, how was your day?" Quigley asked when Violet walked through the door. Quigley had gotten off earlier actually, and so he had waited for her by the front door.

"Terrible...." Violet said, then she placed her stuff down.

"What happened?"

"Come with me, I'll tell you in my room," Violet said, and she took his hand. They walked into her room and went over to the fire escape to sit together. It seemed to be a good place to talk for them.

"So... are you okay? Anybody rude?" Quigley asked.

Violet shook her head, then hesitated, then nodded, "Some jerk came in. He fought with me over the payment price, then he tried to flirt with me and demand that I go out with him."

Quigley felt jealous at the mention of someone doing that, but knew Violet would never ever go out with anyone like that.

"So I had to tell him no in so many different ways before I finally threatened to call the police for harassment, and he left."

Quigley nodded, "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. I just... ugh. I'm just mad now I guess... I should be apologizing..."

"No! It's fine. You can have bad days Vi. It's not fun, and I kind of wish you didn't have to have bad days, but still."

Violet nodded, "Thanks Quigs."

Quigley smiled, "No problem."

They were silent before Quigley ended up speaking again.

"There's something else," he said, and Violet looked at him.

"What? No," she said, looking confused.

"I can tell, Vi. There's something else bothering you."

"No there isn't!" She insisted, but she sounded angry.

She sighed, "Please just... leave me alone."

"Vi-" Quigley started, but stopped when she looked at him with a glare, which he'd never experience from her before.

He climbed back through the window, and felt his heart sink low.

He and Violet never ever got mad at each other. Violet... she just had a bad day, right? It wasn't something he did... right..?

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