1 - Hypothetically

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~ By imagining a possibility rather than reality; as a hypothesis ~



Seven Months, four days, six minutes and thirty two seconds. Thats roughly how long the bitch has been gone. To say I've been a mess is an overstatement. I have been getting on with my life. Sure, the man I love it dead but I can't change it. I cried, screamed, grieved for a few months like any normal girlfriend would. I may have screamed a lot more than I should of but I'm pregnant, sue me.

 Then one night I overheard a conversation between the rest of my family. A conversation that probably sounds like nothing but to me it sounded like everything. 

"She's a wreck! We should tell her" Alex quietly shouts at the other two. "This could be harming the baby, that's my little niece or nephew!" A deathly silence follows my brothers words. Idiots thought I was asleep so they decided they could have some conversation about me? I have been locked in my room all day and I thought they had left so I went down to get some food. My brother is right. I do have a baby and I need to keep it healthy, starving is not an option. 

Finally Santos voice broke the tense quietness that surrounded them,"You know that we can't do that. She needs to think it's real. It could be dangerous for her if we told her" he sounded like he was being reasonable if I knew what they were talking about. Santos has always be the reasonable one. 

"But you've seen her. She rarely leaves her room. She doesn't make the same stupid jokes she always made. She's not the same person" Alex defends. 

"Luci would kill us himself. He's still the boss" Nico chips in. "We follow orders and his final order  was to not tell her so that's what we will do"

The conversation then ended because I slipped on the floor and fell into the room, luckily being caught by Nico. The tense air disappeared as they all started laughing at how clumsy I am. 

Why does that conversation sound like everything? Well, Luci often told me to use my smart little brain and listen to double meanings in conversations. He was worried that I would get kidnapped, technically I already but it doesn't really count as I gave myself up. He wanted me to people to get out of bad situations by listening to peoples conversations, hoping they would slip up somehow. 

Thats what my family did that night, they slipped up. To a normal person, that conversation would've sounded normal but to me I knew something was up. The way they worded everything didn't sound right, they were talking in the present. Dead people are normally referred to in the past.

Ever since that night they've started having secret little conversations in Italian. So I learnt Italian. Nobody knows that I can understand their conversations and I intend to keep it that way. They often talk about little things that the boss has them doing. We actually don't have a boss right now so I don't know how they're doing jobs for him. Alex, Nico and Santos are looking after all of Luci's men for a while but none of them are the boss.  

I'm constantly thinking about Nico's words, He's still the boss. They could just be speaking metaphorically but something in me thinks they're not. Every now and then I think I hear Luci's voice when Alex is on the phone. 

I often think I'm going crazy. He couldn't be alive, could he? 

"Hypothetically, if Luci was alive but away for business, do you think he would be here for the birth of the baby?" I ask. Alex stops looking at the file in his hands and looks at me, his face looks like he's kid who's been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 

"Hypothetically?" He questions and I give the most innocent smile I can. 

"Of course! He's dead remember" I didn't really know what I wanted to come from my hypothetical conversation but I think I got the answer. When I reminded Alex that Luci was dead he looked relieved. That's the look of someone who's hiding something.

"Well then, hypothetically, yes. He would come back for the birth. He wouldn't miss it for the world" He flashes me a sympathetic smile. He turns back to his file for a second before stopping again. "Do you have a name yet?" 

"Angelo" It's means Angel in Italian. I fell in love with it when I thought about Luci. His name is quite literally the devils.

"I still can't believe that I'm going to be an Uncle!" Alex squeals.

"Me neither. You better spoil my baby"  I warn him. I want Angelo to be the most spoilt child ever because I want him to have the best. The good thing is, I know that he will be spoilt. All of Luci's men have been cooing over him and he isn't even born yet. He's going to have one big family.

"I love you loser" 

"I love you too asshole" I joke back. 


Here you go babies! First chapter! 

I was going to wait until tomorrow but I was too excited to share. This chapter is short and not the best but I promise throughout the book they get longer and so much better!

Don't forget to:




All the love you guys give means a lot to me. 

~ Love Charlieree xx

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