3 - Globule

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~ A small spherical body ~



I'm due any day now and I cannot wait until this baby is out of me. I'm uncomfortably pregnant now. It's really not funny either, although the boys seem to find it hilarious at how grumpy I am.

The worst thing is the fact that I constantly need to pee.

The whole nesting thing has come in pretty useful. The house has never been tidier. I never thought nesting was an actual thing, I read up on it so much. However, I am living proof that nesting before the birth is a real thing - it's an old wives tale but I believe in it.

"Can you please stop tidying? It's making me nervous" Alex whines and I roll my eyes. Alex isn't even paying attention to me, he's too busy on his phone. He's been so supportive the last few days but he's getting on my nerves. I hate being babysat. I am not going to do anything to harm my baby.

"Shut up and leave me alone for like five minutes." I tell him rather horridly. His blank stare make's me resort to begging for some alone time, "Please Alex! You're the best brother ever and you'll be the best uncle ever" I give the best puppy dog eyes I can.

Alex puts his phone down on the side before coming up to me and hugging me. "Only cause I'm the best brother ever you can have like 10 minutes alone" He kisses my forehead before happily skipping off.

He's more of a child than I am.

I go back to cleaning the kitchen, it's basically spotless but I still feel the need to clean the counters. I'm stopped in my tracks when I hear Alex's phone ringing. He's always leaving the thing lying about. I waddle over to it and pick the stupid thing up knowing its going to be one of the guys from the compound.

"For fucks sake, you take longer to pick up every time" I hear the all too familiar voice on the other side of the phone. "Alex, why are you so quiet? Is Emma okay?" He sounds panicked and my heart can't help but swell at how much he cares. He's still an asshat though.

"She's perfectly fine"  A shaky breath leaves my lips when I reply. Fuck. It's really his voice.

"Oh shit" His words ring in the strange silence. "Uh, Hello Amore" He nervously laughs and I scoff.

"Hello? That's all you can say after 7 months of being dead. You're a fucking prick. We have a baby to look look after soon and your who knows where doing who knows what with who knows who! I'm gonna kill you if you ever decide to come home! Ughhhh" I practically scream.

May or may not have gone a little crazy on him but he sort of deserves it!

"I've been doing business by myself in some little village not too far from you. I promise I'm coming home and I promise to explain everything to you. I don't doubt that you'll try to kill me but you're pregnant and I'm stronger so calm down" His voice is calm which makes me calm down a little. It may just be the fact that he's actually alive and I wasn't imagining it. I was right!

"Has nobody ever told you not to tell a woman to calm down?" I joke through the phone.

"Yes, but it worked so I'm not complaining. I love you, amore. I have to go but I'll be home soon I promise"

"Say that again" I smile.


"That you love me"

"I love you" He chuckles down the phone. I think I'm in heaven but not because he actually loves me too but the fact he's laughing. He's okay. He isn't dead and he isn't hurt - as fas as I know.

"I love you too" My voice comes out in a whisper.

"Good. Now I will be home in a week maximum" His voice sounds sure that he'll be home soon so that makes me smile. He doesn't give me time to respond before he hangs up on me.

Lucifer Romano is actually alive. It's like the biggest weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm still mad at him for leaving so he better have one hell of an excuse as to why he left. If he says 'It was for your protection' then he may earn himself a kick in the balls. I can look after myself and we have like hundreds of people that can also look after me, including Luci himself.

"Hey, I forgot my phone and was excepting a ca-" Alex rushes back into the room and his gaze instantly falls to the phone in my hand. He then looks back to me, he's trying to judge how much I know.

"I know" I roll my eyes - I seem to be doing that a lot since I joined the mafia. Probably because I'm surrounded by idiots who like to use guns.

"Uhhh what exactly do you know?"

"Well Luci is an ass who deserves a kick in the balls" I smile and I can see Alex physically wince at the thought.

"That may be true... let's keep that anger towards Luci and nobody else. I like my balls quite a lot and Luci has already got a baby on the way so he doesn't need his anymore" I find it so funny when Alex rambles on like this.

"I don't care about your balls and I'm not mad at anyone but Luci" His face relaxes before he walks over to me and envelops my body in a hug. I return the embrace, not realising I needed it.

"Can I have my phone back now?" He whispers in my ear and I suddenly have the urge to knee him in the balls.

"That's the only reason you hugged me isn't it?"

"Well that and the fact you baby daddy is back from the dead" He squeezes me before realising from the warming hug. I put my hand out so he can take the phone. He takes it, shouts something about loving me, then runs off again.

"He's actually alive" I sigh to myself.


I actually managed to wait a whole week before posting again!!

Hope you enjoyed.

Don't forget to


Love Charlie xx

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