19 - Silence

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~ A complete absence of sound ~


Normally I like being in my own. I like the silence because my brain is constantly very busy. Who is after me now? Who is next to kill? How are sales this month? Who is next to fuck?

Well in the space of a year only one thing has changed. It's not who am I going to fuck, it's when am I going to fuck my fiancée?

Anyways back to the whole silence thing. I love it. It's peaceful, helps calm my busy mind. I often work from home instead of the compound just to enjoy the quiet. The only sound I can tolerate is anything that comes out of my soon-to-be-wife's mouth. Normally it's her moans that I enjoy the most but right now just hearing her voice would be better than what I've got right now.

Ah yes, the lovely voice of Santos.

I've always had a passion to kill people, I love the thrill. I like the silence that comes after their pleads for life. Right now I don't feel that passion, no, I feel the fucking urge to shoot Santos' brain out because the bastard cannot sing.

He's been singing for almost three days straight! It's not even good music! It's the shitty stuff you hear on the radio.

I've tried hiding from him just so I can't hear his singing but a mans got to eat eventually.

I groan to myself as I get off of the hotel bed and use my crutches to move into the living area in this apartment type room. It's a great room to be honest, it's got two separate bedrooms and a massive bathroom. It's essentially a pent house at the top of the hotel. It's great.

"I like these crutches boss, I can hear you coming" Santos chuckles and I roll my eyes. These crutches are fucking annoying but I'm using them because the doctor says that it can make it my knee worse if i walk on it.

"Shut up asshole and order some food. I'm starving" I groan as I sit down on the couch. My whole body is aching and I refuse to take the painkillers cause I don't want to be out of it, incase something happens to Emma.

Santos did tell me that Emma had killed Paul. To be honest about it, I'm fucking thrilled, my baby has killed someone! However, I know Emma is still shocked. She'll get over it though. I kind of get that I sound heartless but she is involved with the Mafia so it was bound to happen eventually.

Every time I call Emma I avoid talking about Paul, I'm waiting for her to tell me.

"What food do you want?" Santos asks, looking at the menu.

"Hmmm Pancakes" I reply. I fucking love pancakes. Just as Santos goes to order our food we hear a knock at our door, causing us to both freeze. Santos signals for me to be quiet and stay where I am. He removes his gun and goes to open the door. He instantly rolls his eyes and lowers his weapon when he sees who it is.

"Guess who bought breakfast" Alex's voice sings as he enters our hotel room.

"Why are you here?" I roll my eyes.

"To bring you food boss" He smiles but I give him a glare. "Fine. You can go home today but Doc says you have to travel with two of us plus its safer" I feel my lips form a smile at the thought of going home. I now know why my father never told me to get into a relationship that actually means anything. Emma makes me weak. I can't wait to go home to her and Angelo. I've missed him. I wish he knew how to talk because on the phone he just makes random noises. It's adorable though.

"What food did you bring? I'm starving" I groan. Being on bed rest is going to make me obese. I can't work out and I just keep eating.

"Your favourite" His face beams with pride as he brings over the delicious pancakes. I can't help that they're the best food on the planet.

"So Emma is doing a little welcome home gift that requires everyone out of the house, including Angelo. Any idea what that's about?" Alex questions and I just smirk.

"Dude, lets just say you won't want to know" Santos cringes causing me to laugh.

"No! I really want to know" He whines. Alex is the youngest of us four and he is also the most naive.

I look back over to Santos who is now trying to hold back a laugh.

"Fine, just remember you asked." I chuckle. "She's planning on fucking me. A lot." As soon as the words leave my mouth Alex screws up his face and blocks his ears leaving Santos and I in fits of laughter.

"I defiantly didn't want to know"

"Told you" Santos and I say at the same time.



I've been getting the house ready for when Luci gets home. I've had to prepare the house he can do things easier by himself. The only issue is the bedroom. I know he is aloud to walk up the stairs but it's going to take him ages. It's sort of making me debate whether or not we should just sleep on the couch bed.

I've also been prepping for a little surprise. I sent Angelo with Nico to the compound. I've made sure that the only guards we have are outside. I don't think they'll want to be hearing what's going on in the house. My poor brother had no idea what I meant when I said I had a surprise for Luci when he got home.

I'm sure the boys will let him know.

I check my watch and see It's almost 10pm which means Luci will be home in about an hour and I'm very excited, and well, very horny. I honestly still don't understand how I survived almost 8 months without the bastard.

I really hope the guys just drop him off at the door so I can have him all to myself.


Ngl I fucking hate this chapter.

Anyways if you do like it, don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT XXXX

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