8 - Embitter

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~ To make ; cause to feel bitterness ~



"Hello sweetheart" Her voice is sickly sweet making me want to throw up. She look exactly the same. I don't think I expected her to look any different but I also think I expected her to look worse. She looks like she has been to the goddamn spa every day. Her eyes still hold the evil but cheery glint. I almost thought she would be tired but I suppose you wouldn't be if all you could do was sleep. She had nothing in her cell.

No books, no lights, no window - no nothing.

Everything is counted as a hazard in our eyes. She could use the pages of the book to do something like pass notes to Paul, the light bulbs could be used as weapons and a window could mean an easy escape. I know we are expecting them to escape but what fun would it be if we made it an easy get away?

"You lost the right to call me sweetheart a long time" I seethe.

I guess I was angry and not scared because all I want to do it throw a couple of bricks at her head. That could probably be arranged to be honest. The men here have come up with some pretty creative ways of torture. One time they shoved a bunch of dry ice down a guys pants and his dick literally froze off. I've seen some pretty unoriginal shit too though - hammer to the fingers, breaking a few toes, even a gun shot to the nuts. It's classic bad guy movie type of stuff. Sometimes, I think the guys need to think outside the box a little more.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous" She laughs. "You could never hate me, I am your mother after all" She grins at me and I want to gag. She gave birth to me but I no longer consider her a mother to me. Paul seems like more of a parent to me and I think the whole world knows how much I despise Paul.

I wonder how he is? He's next door but I don't want to talk to him. He wouldn't give me answers either way. My mother on the other hand will give me answers but she's going to make a game out of it.

"Again, you lost all right to call your self that" I roll my eyes, growing bored of her games. "Just drop the act"

"Fine then. Why are you here? You haven't visited in a long time and suddenly you decide to be a good daughter" I don't know why she thinks she has a right to be annoyed at me.

"I have a few questions" I announce. To be honest I didn't know what to say when I cam down here, I guess I wanted to see her incase she really did escape. Whilst I'm down here, might as well ask some questions.

"Go ahead" She is now the one to roll her eyes as she walks back to sit on her bed in the corner of her concrete box.

"How did you know I was pregnant?" I'm curious, sue me.

"How is not the question you should be asking, you should be curious as to why I care"

"Okay mother" The words fall bitterly out of my mouth but I'm playing along with whatever sick game she's playing. "Why do you care that I was pregnant?"

"Well, more things to use against that handsome boyfriend of yours. You see, lying about his death has pissed me off even more than he had already. Not only did he steal you from us, he kidnapped us and I don't take lightly to betrayal." She practically spits her words at me.

I have no idea what she means by stealing me from her and this whole betrayal thing she's going on about.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Nope" She lies down in her bed, I think to end the conversation. "Ask Lucifer. I'm tired now and would like to sleep" She almost sounds like a princess but I don't think being held in cell makes her one.

I wonder what Luci actually knows and if he's hidden information from me then I'm going to be pretty mad.

I don't care to argue with her as I'm pretty tired myself, I sort of got some answers. I want to go and hold Angelo whilst we both have a nap. Four days after having him, I'm doing pretty good. I've been up and round quite a lot and I managed to stand long enough to have a nice conversation with a horrible woman. I storm back up the hallway to see Luci sitting outside the door - waiting for me. He's got the words pissed off written all over his face.

"You have some more explaining to do"


"Some shirt about stealing me?" Luci just looks at me with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Shirt?" He laughs quietly.

"Well, no more swearing around Angelo and shirt is the best I could come up with" I huff before storming off. I'm still mad at him and I want him to know. He can't just order me around, that's not right. He could of been a nice boyfriend and offered to come with me but he just had to be unsupportive.

I know my hormones are all over the place but I think I still have a right to be upset at him. I think. My stupid hormones are making my judgement all wrong.


Not my favourite chapter but I still like it! The story line is starting to kick in now!!!! I'm so excited for the next few chapters


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