2 - Infiltrator

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~ A person who secretly becomes part of a group in order to get information or influence the way the group thinks of behaves ~


As soon as this mess is over, I'm going to marry the love of my life and we're going to raise our baby together but first I have some shit to deal with. I sound like a debole idiota talking about marriage but Emma has caused me to change. I would do anything for her.

Like making her believe I'm dead.

It was a shitty decision on my part but to be honest I've got almost everything I needed to. For the last seven months, I've been watching Emma's father, Stephano, very closely. He was acting suspicious the whole time we were after Emma's mother, Georgie, and Paul. Stephano was never there when we needed him, he would always have some sort of excuse when we said he should come along to retrieve them from that idiotic cabin they were hiding in.

I've been shot and beaten but my god, I got shot like three times in the span of 10 minutes when we were in that cabin - it was fucking painful. When I was captured by the Russians, who we are now on good terms with, I was slowly tortured. I went through agonising pain that almost killed me. It was the weakest I've ever been and I hate being weak. I don't just hate it, I despise it.

Whilst I've been watching Stephano, he's met up with. number of people from the American Mafia. I'm almost positive we have a traitor upon us and let's just say we don't take well to traitors. When we kill we like to do it fast with no mess, when we have a infiltrator we like it to be slow and extremely messy. Mess normally means pain and that's exactly what we want. Nobody can get away with betraying mine or anyone else's trust. We are family, nobody messes with my family.

Now our family is going to be having a baby so we need to sort this shit out so I can go be a father. A father that mine never was. I won't force my child to become who I am. I will give them a choice. According to Nicolo, I'm having a son. To be honest I've never been more excited, I think if I ever have a daughter I would get a little overprotective. I know how stupid and disgusting men can be, I would never let her leave the house, although Emma would appose.

Anyways, back to Stephano. He's been meeting with a lot of men, from what I've gathered he's planning on getting Georgie and Paul out of the prison cells we have them in. It would be a difficult task for him but he's smart. He could probably do it. However I wouldn't let it happen, I only let people escape if I want them too. It makes them feel like they've beat me until I knock them back down.

I don't know what they would do once they've escaped from me. Georgie and Paul have a baby hidden away somewhere. I wonder if they would go get him, I wonder if they even care about him. He's almost a year old now but I haven't managed to figure out where he is. I think Stephano knows but the baby, Lukas, isn't really important to me. As long as he's safe then I don't care.

One of my big rules is that we don't get children involved or harmed in anyway. They're children, they have no idea about anything, they're too young to do anything so we leave them out of business. Woman are a different story. I've killed a few but we don't torture woman, even Emma's mother. No matter how many times I've wanted to torture her for what she put Emma through, I won't. Not unless Emma and Alex say that's what they want. For the mean time, she will sit down in that concrete box unharmed. Paul has been a bit of a different story, we hit him a few times for the hell of it but not much else. He also remains reasonably unharmed in a concrete box.

Different cells obviously, can't have the two of them conspiring.

I can't wait to go home. I've been living in a crappy apartment in the middle of some stupid village. I've been watching everything from afar. When I come home, everything is going to happen pretty quickly. Once Stephano know's I'm alive, whatever plan he has will be set into motion. I have a feeling the first thing will be him breaking out Georgie and Paul, next I think he's going to try and kill me.

Why do I think this?

I kidnapped his ex-wife and I've held her captive for almost 8 months. He's most probably still in love with her, that's most likely why he's helping her. I don't see what he get's from helping Paul but I'm sure I'll find out soon.

My son is due any day so I will be returning home very soon. I promised that I wouldn't miss the birth and that's promise I intend to keep. From what I was told in my last meeting with the boys, Emma has her suspicions that I'm still alive. I have a feeling I'm going to be in the dog house when I get home. It won't be easy but she will forgive me eventually.

I won't stop until she does. She still loves me from what I hear so I suppose thats something. I love her too.

Who would have thought the Italian Mafia King would fall in love?

I never did.

I was so intent on being alone forever. I don't see how she could love me. I kill people for a living as well as running a drug and weaponry business. I have a dark past, I have a lot of enemies and I can be a dick pretty much all of the time. However, through all of that shit, she loves me.

Just a few more days and I'll be home.


Chapter Two for you all!

Next few weeks are crazy for me so this might be the last one for a week or two. I was going to post this on Friday but I love you guys to much


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