7 - Debilitate

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~To make weak or feeble; enfeeble ~

"Having a baby is so fucking exhausting. No more please" Emma groans as she throws her self on the bed. Three days old and Angelo has tired the both of us out. I could sleep for a fucking week.

"Sorry, amore, I plan on having a few more with you" I lazily wink at her before continuing to undress myself.

"No more babies, no more sex. No getting married until you explain why you left me for over 7 months"

I finish taking off my sweatpants whilst I debate if I should tell her now or later. It's been three days and we've both just ignored the subject.

"Want to talk about it now or tomorrow?" I ask because we both could use some sleep.

She thinks about it and I can see the internal battle in her eyes as she chooses sleeping or a difficult conversation. I sit down on the bed as she sits there still deciding. I glance over my shoulder at her to see that a tear is rolling down her cheek.

I instantly turn around and pull her into my lap, her head resting against my chest.

"When I found out you were still alive, I thought you left because you didn't want a child. I thought you didn't want me" She sobs into my naked chest.

I hate the fact that she thinks I wouldn't want her. I will always want her.

"I would never leave you, I couldn't if I tried." I try best to be reassuring.

"But you did leave" Her voice breaks and I hold her tighter.

"I left to keep you safe, family is the most important thing to me which means you and Angelo are the most important things to me" I sigh and she pulls out of my arms. Her glare is angry but the tears tell me she's still upset.

"Don't give me that bullshit! I can look after myself and we have hundreds of people to look after Angelo" Her eyes don't leave mine as she yells at me.

"Your father needed to think I was dead for a while so I could follow him. I needed you to make it believable and I needed to keep you safe!" I'm a little more angry that I wanted to be but she doesn't listen.

"M-my father? As in Stephano?"

"Yes" A sad breath escapes me as I think how this could break her. Her own mother has lied to her for her entire life, her stepfather is just a general stronzo! "He is helping your mother so I followed him. He's up to some real shitty stuff" I explain as best as I can whilst being the most exhausted I've ever been.

"Okay" I watch as she puts my arms back around her and rests herself against my body. I lie us down because both of us will probably pass out as soon as this conversation is over. "Explain the rest tomorrow"

"I will. You can come to the meeting. Obviously you'll have to bring Angelo"

"Yeah. Oh and by the way I don't like you right now cause you still left. Nothing will change that" her voice is quiet but I can still here the pain.

"You still love me?"

"I don't like you but yes, I still love you"

"I can live with that" I smile and kiss her hair.



I'm not even surprised that my father is also an asshole. Nothing seems to surprise me anymore. It's sad really. I used to adore my family and now all of them are complete idiots. I'm not even sure why my mother hates me!

In the meeting I learnt that my father and someone else is helping out my mother and Paul. We don't know why they are helping or what they are going to do. Luci is almost positive that they are going to break out of their cells which, again, doesn't surprise me. They've been suspiciously quiet the entire time they've been here.

"I want to go talk to my mother" I announce and Luci looks at me like I've announced that I'm going to kill him.

"No" He grunts at me and I roll my eyes.

"I wasn't asking" I get up from my chair, making sure I don't drop Angelo. "I'm going now. You can look after Angelo" I put our son into Luci's arms and he can't exactly fight me now he's holding a baby. He looks down admirably at the child before looking up angrily at me. I smile sweetly but that just makes the situation worse. I can practically see smoke appearing out of his head.

"Don't go down there" His jaw ticking does nothing to stop me. I head towards his office door and exit with no more words. He doesn't have the right to talk to me like that after he left me. He doesn't get to order me around, I'm his girlfriend - possibly his soon to be fiancee - not one of his men.

I stroll down the hallway to the door that I've come to know. I've never passed through the threshold but I've stared at it many times. Countless days I've wanted to go talk to the woman I'm supposed to call my mother but something always stops me. I don't know if it's fear or the fact that I'm beyond furious at her.

I can see Luci storming, as gently as he can, down the hallway. The look in his eyes is the thing that pushes me to take the last step through the door. I close it behind me and hurry down to where two men guard the cells. I flash them a sweet smile but they get in the way.

"Boss said no" Tall guy tells me but I roll my eyes.

"I don't know if you remember but I've given one of you a bloody nose, I'm pretty sure I kicked your buddy in the balls so I'd let me through if I were you" I rant out, adrenaline rushing through me. I take a step towards them and reluctantly they move out of my way. I follow the gloomy hall to stand right in front of the woman I've avoided for almost 8 months.

"Hello sweetheart"


Im spoiling you guys! 3 chapters in one week?!?

I've been writing chapters like crazy this week so you should be getting them more frequently for the next couple weeks.



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