14 - Liquidation

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~ the killing of someone, typically by violent means ~



When Luci told me he was meeting my mother for a dinner I knew something was wrong. I know Luci knew that too. He must've know it was a sketchy meeting but he still went. He took me to the compound along with Angelo. Angelo was asleep in our bedroom at the compound and I was sat on the couch with some of the men when it all happened.

The alarm went off then everyone was rushing around and guns were drawn. Marco, one of Luci's men, grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room.

"Just do what he says and he won't hurt you" He whispers in my ear and pokes his gun into my back. Well, guess we figured out the second snitch. Marco has been one of they guys who sits in the back but is always happy to help. Never thought it would of been him but I guess that's why he never got in the way.

Paul strolls into room we're standing in and I roll my eyes. I may be a little scared but that's because I'm not with my child and there are like a million gun shots going off right now.

"Been a long time Emma" He smiles cockily and I scoff.

"What do you want?" I ask harshly.

"Marco go get the child" He waves his hand at the door and Marco hurried along like the little snake he is.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY CHILD YOU PIECE OF SHIT. I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT" I scream at the top of my lungs before Paul slaps me. Wow. I'm a violent bitch when I need to be.

"Shut up. I'll kill the child myself if you keep screaming. It's giving me a headache." He groans. "Now, you thought we could keep us prisoner for 8 months and we wouldn't attack back?" He actually seems intrigued.

"We knew you would attack but you separated us? I think that's weak" I try and keep my calm but my heart won't stop racing at the fact a traitor is trying to find my child. I can feel my palms start to sweat and I just pray that Luci is okay too.

Paul's radio goes off and the muffled words that I hear crush me, "The child is dead".

I can hear a ringing in my ears and I start seeing red. It's like my eyes have tunnel vision and all I can see is Paul. I've never felt the need to kill someone until now.

"So sorry dear. It appears your precious baby is dead" He laughs and thats when I snap. I quickly lunge forward and kick behind his leg which distracts him enough to snap the gun out of his hand. He stumbles back but doesn't fall to the ground like I had hoped he would but it's enough. I have the upper hand now.

Guess all the training I've had pays off.

I cock the gun and put my finger on the trigger. I point it straight at his head.

"Please don't do this. I'm sorry. I-it's a b-bluff. He's fine" He tires to reason with me but I'm not having it.

"Bluff or not. You don't dare mess with my child" I snap back and then I don't think twice about my actions. I pull the trigger and it's like it happens in slow motion. I watch as the bullet flies through the air into his skull, right between the eyes. It's like in using the dummies all over again except this time there is blood. So much blood. The crimson liquid paints the wall behind him in little splatters.

It takes a few minutes but my hands start to shake as the reality of what I've just done sets in. I quickly crumble into a pile on the floor as the sobs leave my body. I didn't think I had it in me to actually kill a man.

Nico rushes into the room which is filled with the heavy silence of death.

"It's okay Em. He deserved it." He brings me into his arms and tries to calm down may uncontrollable crying.

"Angelo?" I cry and Nico continues to stoke my hair and shhh me.

"He's in the safe room with Alex. They're both perfectly happy" He reassures me and my crying slows down a little.

Angelo is safe. Everyone is safe.

"Santos?" I ask and Nico stiffens.

"Not sure Em. Should we go get Angelo and then Alex can look for Santos?" He asks and I nod. Nico stands up and then helps me to my feet. He leads me out of the room, not letting me look back at the mess I've caused. The gun shots have stopped which calms me but as we walk around the compound to the safe room I can see the many lifeless bodies on the floor. "Don't look" He whispers.

How does Luci deal with this in a regular basis?

We eventually reach the safe room and there is Angelo safely giggling at the silly faces my brother is making and right next to them is a healthy and alive Santos. I rush over and envelop them all in a hug which they gladly return.

"Let's go back to the house. I've talked to a few of the guys here. They've got it under control." Santos informs us and I just nod. All I want now is Luci. I want his warm, comforting arms.

"Where's Marco?" I ask.

"Why? I didn't realise you guys were friends" Alex asks.

"H-he's working with them" I manage to get out. My whole body is still shaking and I can feel the tears threatening to fall again. I take my baby into my arms and he smiles at me. It instantly calms me. I'm so happy he's okay.

"I haven't seen him anywhere. Maybe he's gone" Nico adds. I just nod, not wanting to say anything. I then realise we haven't heard from Luci so I pull out my phone and dial his number. It rings a few times before the all too familiar yet unwanted voice picks up.

"Hello dear. I heard you did something bad so I did the same" My mothers voice answers. Why does she always have to be a bitch?

"Where is he?" I ask quickly.

"He's alive for now. You killed my husband. That's not something I take lightly" I can hear the sadness in her voice and it breaks me a little. I did love her as my mother at some point and I think I cared for Paul at some point too. It's nice to know there was a nice bone in her body somewhere.

"Kidnapping my fiancee is not something I take lightly either. I'll kill you too if I have too" I angrily answer her, the adrenaline rushing through my body makes me angrier. I can't let Luci get tortured again. He is so scarred after what happened to him that I don't think he will survive through it again. He still wakes up sweating and screaming after five years. I don't really know what happened to him when he was tortured but I know it wasn't good.

Luci, I'm coming to get you.


It's all getting crazy! There is so much going on in the next few chapters. I'm excited for it all.

Also I've already started writing the plot for the third book in this series and I'm very excited.
Let's just say it involves two very handsome guys and a girl who very much reminds me of a Emma!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE!!


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