BMC Shitposts!

16 1 0


Rich: Jake, you're going to nail this test!

Jake: *stressed* you think that because you love me. And love has made you dumb. 

Rich: I disagree. If anything, love has made me smarter. Remember last week when I boiled that egg?

Jake: that was big. I was really proud of you.

2. Jeremy: Michael, what have we said about comparing the SQUIP to the devil?

Michael: that it's offensive to the devil?


Michael: did you eat my powdered donuts?

Jeremy, with donuts in his mouth: no.

Michael: then what's the white powder on your jeans

Jeremy: that's cocaine.


Jake: did you just refer to a knife as a 'people opener'

Rich: should I not have


Jeremy's SQUIP, talking to Jeremy: you see, there's hope for everyone.

Michael, in the corner: *raises his hand* even me?

Jeremy's SQUIP: fuck no


Rich: hey you want some D

Jake: excuse me

Rich: you didn't let me finish I was gonna say dessert

Jake: sorry what's for dessert



Rich: thIS DICK

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