Chapter: 1

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Alice POV :

I woke up from the sound of my irritating alarm. a smile appeared on my face. Today is my first day in college. Finally, I am free from high school.

High school really sucks especially when you study in a girl convent school and on the top of that when you have an overprotective elder brother.

Now the situation is different as I am going to college which is not convent thank GOD and boys are also in the college. You must be thinking of how desperate I am to meet boys. No, it's not like that it's such that I am tired of following the rules and regulations of a high school.

I know in college there will be no such rules and moreover, there will be boys who will be busy in breaking rules and getting in fights.

I saw the clock, shit! I will be late because of my daydreaming.

I got up from my bed and walked into my bathroom to start my morning. After freshening up and a warm bath, I headed towards my closet and grab my black floral top and ripped jeans.

After dressing up, I kept my face natural and pull my hair in a high ponytail, I wore my silver chain which is my lucky charm and my fast track watch.

I complete my outfit with my reebok black shoes. I took my way towards downstairs."Oh, the sleeping beauty has finally awake" my brother teased.

"Jake I am in a very good mood so please don't spoil it", I said in an annoying tone.

"Wow you didn't even go to college and you have started showing your attitude," he said.

"Enough you two stop fighting like tom and jerry and for once start acting like adults," my mom shouted making us quiet.  I think I  haven't introduced myself properly.

So, let me introduce myself, my name is Alice Watson, I have turn 18 just one week ago. I have an elder brother who is 20 years old. My dad is in navy and my mother is a physiotherapist so, you can see why my brother is so overprotective.

"Alice, if you are done with your daydreaming then let's go to college. I don't want to be late because of you."

Did I forget to mention me and my brother are in the same college, just my luck.

We reached the college campus. Then I walk towards my class. I am just on time to attend the lecture.

Finally, the lecture is over.

"Hello" someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned to see a beautiful girl with dark hair.

"Hey, my name is Betty," she said,

"Hii I am Alice", I answered.

"Nice name it suits you", a girl with blonde hair said.

"This is Marcus, Jane, and that is Roger" Betty pointed to a guy who was busy in his phone. "As we all are in the same class it will be weird if we behave like strangers. so, we should try to know each other".

"I am hungry Betty said, so we should go to the cafeteria" she announces. I hesitated first but then I follow them when we started eating. I felt like someone is staring at me. I felt so uncomfortable that I was not able to gain the strength to see who that person is.

All the lectures were over so I thought of calling Jake. Then I saw the text send by Jake that he will be late which means I have to take a cab and call him after I will reach home.

He and his protectiveness, I took a cab I felt like someone following the cab.

So, I stopped the cab a few blocks before my house, but the feeling of someone watching me didn't leave.

I turn back and saw no one is there is someone really following me or I am just illustrating it, strange.

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