Chapter: 16

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Hey guys, this chapter is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Alice Pov:

I felt like taking some fresh air so, I came out of my room. suddenly I saw Kevin coming out from his room in a panic and he had a wound on his forehead.

"What happened Kevin," I asked while touching his wound.

"Oh, it's nothing love, I just slipped," he said, I was not convinced by his answer but didn't say anything.

"Okay, do you need first aid, I will help you to clean your wound" I asked him.

"No, I'm fine, don't worry love," he said.

we were just talking, when everybody came and said "let's go to the lake.... come on" we didn't have any other choice so we agreed to join them.

We were heading towards the lake suddenly Kevin pulled me aside. "What are you doing" I asked, "shh," he said and blindfolded me "Just keep walking" he said.

He walked me to someplace, I had no clue where he took me as I was blindfolded by my beloved boyfriend, mark the sarcasm.

"Wait here love and don't open your eyes, I'll be back in a few seconds," he said and left.

Kevin Pov:

I walked towards the room, where drinks were kept. I walked in, grabbed the drinks but when I turned back, I saw that the door was closed.

I tried to open it, but it was locked from outside. I am claustrophobic so, you can just imagine my condition.

I knocked it so, hard using all my strength and shouted "Hello! please, open the door. please this isn't funny it's really suffocating here" but nobody came and opened the door.

Alice Pov:

It's been around 20 minutes but Kevin hasn't shown up yet. I was about to remove my blindfold when I felt someone hugging me from the back.

"Kevin what took you so long I was sick worried about you," I said.

I turned around and put my hands around his neck but it felt weird and different. I roamed my hands around his face and pulled back.

"Kevin is this you, Kevin answer me," I said but I got no response.

I removed my blindfold immediately and saw there was no one there. What the hell is happening with me.

I started running, in a panic to find Kevin. I looked here and there but I found no sign of him.

I started shouting his name Kevin, Kevin.... after so long time I saw Josh running towards me.

"Hey, Alice what's wrong," he asked.  "Nothing have you seen Kevin, I can't find him."

"Oh I saw him, he going to grab drinks from that room there," he said, by pointing towards a small closed room.

I quickly ran towards that room and saw that it was locked. I didn't have any keys so, I looked around and found a big piece of rock. I took it and slammed it over the lock after 3-4 tries it got broken.

I opened the room and rushed inside and saw Kevin laying against a wall.
he looked tired and weak, his face filled with sweat. he was almost unconscious as the room had no windows or fan.

I went close to him and shake him by his shoulder. I was sobbing badly, he quickly hugged me tightly.

"Alice, he took a breath and continued Alice, please get me out of here, please baby" his voice sounded scared.

I rubbed his back and head to calm him. My eyes went to the paper laying on the floor, maybe he didn't notice it in the dark. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket.

We both stood up and I took Kevin to his room and gave him a painkiller, as he was having a headache. When he said he was fine I left his room.

It was about 2 am and I couldn't sleep so I went out and sat on the hotel lobby's couch.

Suddenly, I remembered about that note, I took it out and started reading it.

It said: Dear Kevin,
How many times do I have to remind you that she is mine. wasn't that wound on your head enough, just stay away from her, you bas...

I got interrupted when I saw Kevin, coming out from his room. he looked at me and said, "Couldn't sleep either?" I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go for a walk."

We were walking near, the lake and wood while talking about random things.

Suddenly Kevin said ''Hey Alice, since the moment we have been on this trip some very strange things have been happening to me" he said.

"Really, what are they," I asked but he didn't say anything, after waiting for some seconds.

I started turning my head towards him "Kevin.." I found myself alone in the forest.

Hey, guys hope you like the chapter,

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