Chapter: 14

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Dedicated to my brother, who irritates and annoy me such like Jake but cares for me at the same time

Today is the day, I am taking the biggest, decision of my life by standing for myself. The decision which can bring peace back in my life or can make my life worse.

I have decided to fight against the demon Roger Michael, by filing the case against him for kidnapping and torturing me. I have chosen the path of law for getting my justice.

Justice, even my pronouncing it, I feel the feeling of freedom from all the nightmares, tortured and suffocating feeling and most importantly the devil will be out from my life.

I wouldn't have taken the decision without my family support especially Jake, I never not even in my wildest dream thought that my brother loves me this much that he will be there in my rough and tough time and support me as much he would.

How can I forget to count Marcus and Kevin. they have shown me what real friends through their support. Kevin had really helped me a lot for taking my decision.

"Until you don't stand for your self and have a spirit of fighting for yourself no matter, how bad other people want to help you they can't, without your freedom spirit."

These are the exact words he said to me. something thinks he should be a councillor he is really good at it.

Today is the hearing of my case. After I filled the case against Roger. The cop arrested him immediately. He will be represented in the court today and the judge will announce the decision taken for my case.

If you say, I am nervous that would be definitely an understatement, I am beyond nervous. my hands are so sweating and my heart doesn't even ask about it will feel like my heart is just about to blast because of the rapid increase in my heartbeat.

It's the fear you feel when you are about to face your worst nightmare.

Who has hollowed my soul, my body and happiness, everything. All is left with me is pain and darkness.

"Hey, Alice everything will be alright I am with you", Jake said by taking me back to reality. I gave him a weak nod, I know how hard is it for him to see like this, he is trying is best by staying strong and giving the strength which I really needed now.

The judge came, and we all stand by seeing him in order to respect the judge. he gave permission to the lawyers to start proceeding the case.

The lawyers started proceeding the case, they called the witness for the case who was Marcus. I don't know how to thank him for supporting me by standing against his childhood friend and the son of the richest man in the city.

Everyone became silent as it was the time for the judge to tell his decisions. I was praying so hard, it was helping to be calmed me.

"After listening to the lawyers and the witness, I came to the conclusion that I have found Roger Michael guilty and all the allegations against him are true, Roger Michael will be prisoned for 5 years for kidnapping and 1 year for torturing Alice Watson," the judge announced his decisions.

I wouldn't believe in my ears, what I heard is it true? I was so happy but tears were not stopping they were flowing on my face as if my tears were also enjoying the justice and victory over the demon.

Jake and mom gave me a warm hug, "I told everything will fine, God will not let the devil win" Jake said while smiling.

The cops were taking Roger to the cell. there was no sign of guilt and regret on his face. his face was neutral as if nothing happened.

Suddenly, he started coming towards me I felt Mom hand on my shoulder "It's okay sweetie, he can't harm you we and the cops are here, don't worry" mom said.

"You think it's over, no baby you're so stupid if you think you won. these cops can't capture me in the cell." He said in an evil voice.

"Roger Michael, never losses and Alice Watson let me tell you I get everything which I wish for and you are mine, you belong with me, I will make you mine and this prison the little stunt is your fake victory," he said in his venom voice.

"You, bastard I will kill you won't give don't you", Jake said while punching him. the cops separate Roger from Jake's grip.

The officers took him outside I heard him saying "You're my baby only mine, I will be back".

Thanks for reading❤

Roger madness is increasing, day by day now what will he do, for that you have wait for the next chapter 😌

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