Chapter: 7

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I was sitting in my room near the window and was just looking outside and thinking about the horrifying moments taken in my life in these past weeks.

Suddenly my phone started beeping, I ignored it but it beeped again, it was a text, "Baby, why are you sitting alone should I join, to accompany you", love Roger.

I was so fed up of this feeling that someone is watching and following me that I didn't try to stand and look where that creep is, I started crying, "Alice, what happened why are you crying", Jake said. when I didn't answer him, he took my phone and start reading the texts.

I could see the anger in his eyes, this bastard I will kill him, he dialled Roger number. "Hello, Alice baby," "You son of a bitch doesn't take my sister name from your shitty mouth."

" I... Jake didn't let him complete, ''No you listen to me assh*le stay away for my sister, if you try to bother her again I will kill you with my bare hands", with that Jake ended the call.

"Alice, why didn't you tell me about this psycho, how can you hide such a serious issue for me and mom", Jake said. "I am sorry Jake I didn't want to worry both of you," I said, "Seriously Alice by hiding things from us, you thought we will be happy."

"God, Alice we are a family and family doesn't keep secret especially the secret which is killing us badly.''

"Jake it's not like that I am sorry",
I said. "No Alice I am the one who should apologise, I am sorry I failed to protect you and I failed you as an elder brother".

Hey, don't say like that you are the best brother I said, ''You meant best, handsome and charming right", Jake said showing his teeth like a mad person. I hug him tightly, I never thought "I will say this Jake, but I really meant it I love you, bro.

''I love you too sis, I know you are ugly, annoying and stupid but still, you are not that bad" Jake said, I punch on his shoulder lightly.

"I am just kidding Ally, I promise you I will protect you and always be with you, you can count me, sis," Jake said.

''Alright, enough of this emotional drama, let's go outside how about going to Domino's and eat some cheese bust pizza", Jake announced like a 5-year-old boy, I laughed on his childishness but nodded.

"Ok, then wash your face and change your clothes if you have to but please, don't take more than 15 minutes", by that he went out of my room.

I went downstairs where Jake was waiting for me.'' You both are going without me, wait I am also coming with you. it has been a long time we didn't have a family time" my mom said. we reached to the Dominos, we order our pizza and I excused myself, for going to the washroom.

"My, my look what we got here, I looked back to see the creep who was sitting behind our table and was continuously staring at me the bloody idiot.

I came out from my thoughts when I felt someone drag me and caged me at the wall. I saw that creepy boy looking at me with lust eyes. I tried to push him but he was too strong, I tried to scream but he didn't let me, as he put his hand on my mouth.

He was so close to me that I could feel his breath near my neck I felt so disgusted, I was crying and suddenly I felt him moved away from me.

"How dare you to touch my girl, you bastard" Roger, how the hell he came here, he was throwing punches to that guy I went to stop him.

Roger, stop it you will kill him, "Yes Alice I will kill him, how dare he touched you, this bastard. Alice, I will kill every guy who will try to come near you. you are mine Alice Watson only mine".

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