Chapter: 15

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Chapter credit to areesha243 thanks for helping me sis this chapter wouldn't be possible without you 😘

2 years later:

Alice Pov:

''We're gonna be late are you coming or not?'' I heard Kevin, shouting through the window.

''YES, baby just a second''! I shouted back, yes you heard it right we have officially started dating about a year ago and right now we are heading for a trip with our college friends to celebrate our graduation.

I walked downstairs with my bag where I can see my big brother eyes already filled with tears.

''Seriously, are gonna cry right now!'' I asked, ''Come on it's the first time you're going far from me for that long and above all Marcus won't be there and except these things I'll miss you,'' Jake said.

I hugged him ''I'm gonna miss you too and don't worry, Marcus will be there after a few days.''

"He has some interviews right now and don't worry so much, after all, I am a big girl, I can take care of myself" I said, childishly before I heard one more call from Kevin.

''Okay bye, I gotta go, love, you'' I said to Jake and head out to sit inside the car where Kevin was waiting for me.

Thank God, we reached at time and were able to catch the bus and now I
am enjoying the view through my window seat while listening to songs on my phone.

Finally, my life has got blessed and colourful again after that demon existed in my life.

My eyes open as I realise I fell asleep. I look around and saw the whole bus is empty, I am the only person on the bus. they must be gone for a break I thought to myself.

I checked my phone and saw Kevin's text ''Hey, love in case you wake up don't get scared I am gone to grab some food and I didn't want to disturb you😘 I smiled on the sweetness of my boyfriend.

It was dark outside suddenly, I saw someone's shadow I got up from my seat immediately and started walking where the shadow was, I  started panicking, of course, I thought I was all alone.

As I got near the shadow I was able to see the person with a hood before he could run away from me, I called him  ''Hey, are you with us'' but he walked out without answering, and left me alone in a panic state.

I calm myself and walked out of the bus to find my friends. I  looked around and saw the same shadow again.

I  started  panicking again, and ran away  from  that  shadow  without knowing where I am going, suddenly
I hit towards a muscular body my hands started sweating, then I heard the voice calmed me.

''Alice, love what happened why are you panting'' Kevin asked in a worried voice. nothing, I was scared because
of the dark I lied, not wanting to worry him more.

''I am sorry babe I took a lot of time see I brought burger and cupcake for you'' he said while giving me his million-dollar smile and embrace me into a hug.

After, eating we reached our rooms saying good night to each other.

Something is definitely wrong here all that can't be my imagination, there was definitely someone in the bus, but who could it be I thought to myself.

Kevin POV:

After wishing good night to Alice, I directly went to my room and decided to have a bath, I was really exhausted because of all this travelling thing.

After taking a shower I came back to my room, suddenly something caught my eyes.

There was a paper stuck on the wall of my room. I took it in my hand and before I could read it a big rock came in through the window and hit my forehead badly. my forehead started bleeding, I quickly ran out to my room and saw Alice sitting she looked reckless. Something is really off in this place.

Hey guys, here goes another chapter, so what do think about the shadow who would it be 🤔

Hope you like the chapter💖

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