Chapter: 21

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Chapter credit : areesha243

Alice POV:

It's only been a little while since Evan Left but I am really scared for him.

I partially faint as the medicines given by Evan included pain killers.

I hear an unclear conversation between Roger and George, his Lefty.

"Listen double up the security... I don't feel good about that guy ... He was sweating a lot while talking to me " Roger says.

"But sir we already have a lot of men," George says.

" Isn't your life precious to you, huh? And remember I will do anything for my girl, that's my love." Roger says.

Oh god, please... Please keep Evan safe. He doesn't deserve to be pulled into this.

I keep on praying and fall asleep.


I wake up by the sound of a car, leaving, sure it's Roger's.

Suddenly I feel thirsty so I slowly move downstairs towards the kitchen I take out a glass - water bottle before I drink it my eyes are caught by a cellphone lying on the sofa.

I immediately keep the water bottle down.

I don't care whose phone is it, how did it come here, I just pick it up.

My fingers automatically dial my mother's number.

It rings once... Twice and it's the third time she still doesn't pick it up.

I am totally out of hope but suddenly I hear my mother's calming voice.

"Hello," she says and I enjoy her voice and I'm looking for words but I can't choose because I have so much to say to her...

I miss her

"Hello... Who's there?" she says again

"Hello... M-mom" I say, shivering.

"Alice, is that you, my baby?" she asks in a worried tone.

I try to say yes


Suddenly my hand is twisted back and the phone is snatched and thrown away from me.

I could still hear a few sounds calling my name and I can tell its Mom, Marcus and Jake. Oh god. But those sounds stop after a few moments.

"Oh dear dear dear, why do you do this to me, again and again. You know how much I hate seeing you in pain, and you had just started to recover a do you started making me angry again. "

He squeezes my arm more tightly.

" Well, you are not well so we will let it go... In fact, I love you" he says... I stay quiet but I just want to scream


"By the way... What were you downstairs? "

I still stay quiet and look at the water bottle

" Oh you wanted to drink water," he says handing me the bottle.

I don't take it and shake my head as to refuse.

"See you have made me enough angry for today so drink it, do as I say"

I am left with no other option so I take the bottle and finish it off.

" Yes that's my girl," he says

He takes my hand in his.

He starts tracing it with his finger.

" You know what I love your hands they're so soft" he keeps tracing and reaches to my fingers

"And your fingers are also the prettiest... Wait... Oops!"

"You used these fingers to dial that phone number Didn't you?? " he says and the environment becomes silent.

I can even hear the clock.


Roger picks up the glass bottle and bursts it on my hand.

My hand gets covered with blood.

Roger shouts out loud

"SEE !!! this is the kind of the f***ing person you've convinced me to become" he shouts and throws the table upside down.

" Do you like me this way... Huh " he throws more stuff and goes back to his room.

I silently get up and go back to my room.

Not a single tear escapes my eye, blood keeps running out of my hand, I can't even feel the pain, I don't even know whether I'm conscious or not... As if I've lost all the feelings.


Marcus POV:

"Why are you guys not able to find her... Why are you taking so long" I shout on the officers?

We are all having a meeting at Alice's house, with her parents, brother and police officers.

"Sir, we're trying our best, we have checked every single place in the town ... We are afraid if he has killed-"
Officer says but Jake cuts him off.

" I think it's time for you guys to leave... Keep searching for her" he said.

The officers leave, which leaves only me and Alice's family.

"Don't worry ma'am... One thing that I know about that guy is that he will never kill " I say trying to calm Mrs Watson down, who is crying.

Suddenly her phone starts ringing but she doesn't pick it up.

It rings again... And she doesn't pick it up.

It rings again and this time for longer.

" I think you should take that mom," Jake says.

She picks it up... She says hello, twice but her face expression stay confused suddenly that confused expression is filled up with a little joy... We all become curious...

"Alice is that you, my baby," she asks and all four of us get excited but all of a sudden line goes dead.

I try to call on that no. Again with my phone but it gets unreachable.

I still don't lose hope and keep on trying but suddenly the screen gets filled with Evan's number.

Why is he calling me... Does He not know I'm busy with the case.

I pick it up.

"What's wrong Evan, I'm busy... Please call me later " I scold him.

"Wait! Don't cut the call. There is something you need to know about Alice!!!"

Author's note :

Hey, guys hope you enjoy the chapter it's written by my sister.
As I am becoming lazy day by day so my sister wrote the whole chapter. She worked really hard in this thanks to my buttering talent lol 😂

Please don't forget to,

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