Chapter: 17

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Recap: I started turning my head towards him "Kevin -" I found myself alone and nobody was by my side.
End of recap.

I ran towards the hotel corridor in panic and suddenly I bumped into someone.

"Slow down girl, what has got in you why are you in such a hurry" I identify the voice and then my face meet to Marcus smiling face, his smile faded as soon as he looked
at my panic face.

"Alice, what happened why are you looking so scared," he asked, I hugged tightly. "Alice, now you are scaring me tell me what's wrong," he asked again.

"Marcus, I am not able to find Kevin, he is missing something is wrong with this place, please Marc help me" I was sobbing badly.

"What you mean by he is missing, that guy himself is a troublemaker who can trouble him," he said.

Suddenly, my mind clicked and then I remember about the letter, I took that letter out from my pocket in a hurry.

Dear Kevin,

How many times do I have to remind you that she is mine wasn't the wound on your head enough, just stay away from her you bastard she is mine.

Sooner later she will accept it and will always be with me. So, I advise you to just fu*k off if you value,your precious life, then leave.

Otherwise, the outcome will not be good and I will love to kill you with my bare hands.

Unknown- 'R'

No, no this can't be happening it's him I looked at the letter 'R' carefully and then looked at my wrist where that bastard wrote his name's alphabet, both R matched God how can this be possible.

"Alice, what is it," Marcus asked so, I handover the letter to him. "This is insane it can't be him, he is a prison," Marcus said.

"Of course, it's him it's Roger how can I be so foolish, I should have guessed there is only one person behind all my problem and sufferings my worst nightmare, he is back Marc."

"Kevin is with him he had kidnapped him it's all my fault Kevin don't deserve all this he is innocent and I am curse who can destroy anyone's life", I said.

"Alice, stop talking nonsense you are not a curse, you are the purest and the sweetest girl so don't think like this. we can't just jump on conclusions, with our assumptions, we are not even sure Roger is behind this."

Marcus phone starting ringing ''Are, you kidding me this can't be possible these bastards I will kill them, how can they free him, don't worry she is with me" Marcus ended the call and it was clear Roger has made out from the prison.

"Alice it was Jake's call he told me that Roger has been bailed his father has saved his son's ass by using the power of his wealth, he has buy all the evidence from the money hunger officers and pressurized the judge by threatening his family and force him to shut the case and give clean chit to his bastard son, Marcus explained."

Suddenly my phone started ringing the call was from an unknown number.

I picked the call by knowing it's him.

"Baby, I miss you so much I was dying these 2 years without seeing you and hearing your beautiful voice. baby say something if you don't want me to kill your useless so-called boyfriend", he threatened

"What the hell do you want, why can't you let me live my life, making me suffer wasn't enough for you that now you have dragged Kevin into all this he didn't do anything," I said.

"Shh, baby if I were you I would have shut that smart mouth and I am not bond to take orders especially not for you baby, I was born to give orders so, listen to me carefully baby girl, I will spare your useless boyfriend's life only in one condition in exchange
you have to will come to me", he barked.

"Tik Tok, the time is running baby the bastard of yours doesn't have a lot of time and I don't have patience."

"Okay, I will come to you please, don't harm Kevin" he ended the call.

"Alice, are you out of your freaking mind you are not going anywhere,
we will find Kevin with the help of the cops" he said.

"Yeah, right like how the cops helped us earlier by bailing that bastard, I don't trust the cops anymore and I just simply sit here without trying anything and wait for bad news," I said stormed away from him.

I came outside the hotel as he told me and call him "Yeah I have reached outside now where I have to come" before I could hear I felt a needle on my shoulder and everything went blank.

So, the devil is back, now what he will do for that you have to wait for the next chapter😁

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