Chapter: 20

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The sound of the door opening had me squinting my eyes. It is so dark here, how long had I been here, I did not know. I just knew that it's been a while since I'd seen the sun.

"Hello baby, how are you? I hope you're not in much pain" he said very calmly. He was giving me that serious look and it felt so terrible to be gaze by a psycho.

Though he tried himself to look calm, still I couldn't disregard his bulging eyes penetrating through me.

What? pain, then I remember all that happened last night. how he beat me terribly and called his actions as so call punishment.

Then I look at my body which was filled with red and blue marks. I couldn't control myself and started sobbing badly.

Call me stupid for being weak by crying in front of a monster who claims to love me but by his actions,
I always end up in pain.

The biggest question which was running in my mind by seeing all the marks. why I am not feeling so much of pain I mean my body is filled with dry blood, cuts and marks but the pain is like I am numb lifeless.

It looked like he read my thoughts, as the silence in the room was broken by a dangerous and disgusting voice.

"Oh love, don't pressure your pretty tiny brain, you're not in pain because you were out in a deep sleep I injected you, pain killers."

"When you collapsed I was scared my mind wasn't working. I didn't know what to do but I knew one thing I can't lose you and this fear lead to inject you the double quantity of medicine which made you sleep for two days, you were breathing which calm me that you're fine."

God, what is this guy, is he bipolar. He is the one who has done this to me and he is saying he was worried about me. worried my ass if he really does cares or loves me as he claims that I wouldn't have been in this condition.

Suddenly, he starting coming closer to me and sat at my side. I tried to move but in a blink, he grabs a knife from his pocket and put it on my neck.

"Don't try to move, you're never going to learn, how many times I need to repeat myself you are mine, so don't run from me, understand", he said in a dangerous tone.

I nodded as soon as I move my head in a yes, I felt a tight slap on my face.

"When I ask you something I want you to answer it through words instead of nodding your head, understood."

"Yes, " I said in a weak voice while controlling my tears.

"Good, I came to tell you I have called a doctor to check your injuries, he will be here soon. I have put clean clothes for you to change in them and then come downstairs" he ordered.

I tried to stand but my body wasn't letting me. After tiring and falling a few times. I finally stood up with the support of the walls. by taking baby steps I reached towards the bed and took the clothes.

Changing clothes was very tough and painful and by seeing the marks. Wasn't helping the situation, one thought was occurring in my mind. I should end my life, I don't want to live like this. Is this what we call life that I don't want to live it.

I saw something that I wanted a knife was on the floor, not a usual one. A knife filled with blood, my blood.

My hands were shaking, I put the knife of my wrist with a weak grip.

I don't know if I was hallucinating or it was pain killers but as soon as I closed my eyes, my mother's face appeared. The knife slipped from my hands.

No, I can't do this I am not a crowd. I will not end my life, I can't punish my family. I am a strong girl I will fight from the devil.

I am a strong girl, I repeat it again and again like a mantra and went downstairs as per the monster order.

When I heard his voice from the stairs I stop at my track.

"You f*ckers can't even do a single job correctly. I told you to call a lady doctor not a f*cking male doctor and you listen to me doc if you try to do anything smart and came close to my girl then dear you will not go home alive," he threatened.

"I don't think you're in a position to threaten me, you very know what you are doing is illegal and let me remind you."

"You're the one who needs my help and I came here without asking any question when your men told that here is an injured patient who needs to be treated."

"I am here for doing my duty as a doctor that is treating patient and let me tell you I am happily married and I love my wife. So, just relax I am not interested in any other woman."

I slowly walk towards them, I knock the door to make them aware of my presence.

As soon as the doctor saw me he froze but regain his posture.

"Doctor I am leaving this room but don't forget what I said," Roger said and left the room.

"Sit here, let me see where you are injured," the doctor said and I did what I was told

As soon as the doctor saw my cuts and marks, his face expression turned hard, he tightened his fist.

"That bastard bloody Psycho how can he do this, spoiled brat and Alice how can you let him do this, are you crazy."

I sit dumbfounded and looked at him how the hell he knows my name. I didn't tell him and I don't think Roger also did. I started moving from him.

"Hey, Alice relax you don't need to scare from me. I am Evan Marcus's cousin I am the one who found you fainted on the road" he explained.

"You're Marcus cousin you helped me wait does Roger know this he is totally mad. You should leave he can do anything he is crazy."

"Relax, Alice he doesn't know me I can guarantee it, because if he knew he wouldn't have taken such a huge risk he knows your family and Marc must be searching you, so he will definitely not take his cousin's help."

"I recently moved here from New York. he doesn't know me and I haven't met him before." Evan said.

"Alice I promise you I will get you out from here. You will be safe and will be with your family that's my promise but first I need to treat your wounds" he said.

After treatment of my injuries, I sent in the same dark room by the monster's men as per his order.

Evan's words gave me a hope which I needed the most. I will be free from the devil and his hell.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter if you enjoyed reading it then please :)

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- Antessia :)

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