Are you? Part 2

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.  .  . 5:30 PM .  .  .

  .  . Joy’s house. .    .

“Good luck, Loki.” Hank said, as Loki stepped foot out the truck.

Loki turns to the side.

“I’m flattered you are saying I have good luck.” Loki said, with a certain glow to the ‘flattered’ part.  “Because I’m branded with bad luck.”

Hank lightly taps his fore-head on the driver-wheel.

“Never-mind.” Hank said.

Loki shuts  the door behind him. He goes behind the truck, then takes out a big box from that made an interesting noise like coffee cups knocking against each other. How do I find myself at her house?,Loki thought as he walks straight to the door, twice in one Midgard month. Nobody really pays attention to someone’s front door.

The neighbors wouldn’t care unless they were really nosy.

“At least she’ll take the blame.” Loki tells himself as he stopped at a foot away from the welcome mat. “And not one mortal will believe her.”

Loki puts the box on the front door. Next stop; vase, Loki goes through his list mentally. He goes across the lawn to the right then turned left where there is an open gate. Mortals were forgetful for such small things when it comes to the outside of their homes. The Backdoor, it too, was unlocked.

It made getting into the house easier than Loki had imagined. He goes down the hallway hearing singing from the bathroom—that had the shower going a few rooms down from the backdoor.It didn’t really seem to make sense at this point going through the backdoor. ‘She told us the vase would belong in her bedrooom’ Loki recalled Hank’s comment. He saw an ajar door with a visible pink carpet across from an open closet.

It seemed way too easy for Loki.

Is this a trap?, Loki thought using his fingers to push forward the ajar door.

He saw a clean room with a bed that had the blankets pushed forward and two pillows at the left hand side of the bed. The bed’s condition contrasted the black and purple paint all over this room.The vase is on a desk drawer surrounded by absurd and fancy glasses that had unusual decorations. One pair had plastic pink cat ears.

“For a blind mortal, Joy is tidy.” Loki noted in a low voice as he walks towards the vase.

There is a mirror showing a painting hanging above Joy’s bed of a large cloud that has two figures on it with recognizable colors. The painting seemed pretty well drawn, and similar to a masterpiece from a children’s book. Loki picks up the vase carefully so that these glasses wouldn’t make a big noise.

“Why was it easy?” Loki asks himself, turning away from the mirror.

He saw a picture of a teenage Joy with her adoptive mother from the corner of his eyes. He stops and turns his head towards the photographs on the right hand side of the painting. What?, Loki thought as he recognized a little girl in a family picture that had Oratio and his former wife. There were three other boys who resembled the parents more than the little girl. Loki picks up the photograph using a hand that wasn’t holding the vase. It clicked in his memory why Joy is so familiar in the blonde wig.

“I can swish this and that,” Joy sang from the bathroom. “And I can show you how wrong that two plus n equals an a picture OOooh a pictuure!” She raises her voice. “Why don’t you stand, stand way, stand away, and fly away, because I will slap you, bap you, tap you, and cap you into dis-a-bility!”

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