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Loki awoke in the belly of Mannnie. Or is it called the Belly of the plane? May the world remain confused how to refer such place. There was a bed with a white sheet over it. At first Loki thought it was a dinner table But when he saw there were some people, those who were among the working party, had their heads lowered. Even the Australians won't making a peep. This is odd,Loki thought as he could see Bryan, How in Muspelhiem did he survive?

Loki could tell Hank was so ...Not so happy.

"My fault." Is all Loki could hear Hank say while he rubs his face looking sweaty. Hank obviously was blaming himself for not paying attention to Conner when shooting whatever creatures of Graboids were attacking.

"What happened?" Loki asks, where it became evident he was propped up against the wall.  "Did I lose my bet?"

"Of course you did." Hank said in a low voice. His eye fixated on the floor. 

We see Bryan over  at the end showing some co-workers a few photo's through his flat screen device that came straight from Stark Industries.He seemed so smug and proud about capturing the images. Loki is irritated a mere Midgardian had survived a explosion instead of dying.

"You ...know something, what happened?" Loki notices Conner is no where in sight. There is an empty seat.A seat that Conner should  be in. "Where's Conner?"

Hank was the most talk-a-tive person who Loki ever knew. He hadn't known Hank could become this silent, usually he could be be the most interrupting person in the lifetime of a conversation. He had his hands together in a knuckle brace under his chin and his eyes were fixated on the table that had the shape of a body being covered by  a white sheet. There was an obvious sign of guilt in his eyes. As there were in Izzy's. 

"Where is Conner?" Loki demands for an answer. "You're silence is not an answer."

"He's...right in front of you." Hank said, without the very least of name calling Loki 'Mischief man' at all strangely enough. 

It seemed a logical reply enough when Loki looked forward to see the short body. Conner had died in his work proudly killing some Graboids with his two co-workers. Specifically Hank and Izzy who had guilty looks evident on their faces. Suddenly Mannie shook from side to side violently o hard the lights were blinking on and off.The intercom went on and another voice that Loki was familiar to had came over the radio-comn static. 

"We've been caught by....a...strange mist, okay,we've been grabbed by a Mesosaurus." The pilot said,causally without much stress in his voice.. "It's a Prehistoric version of a ...Alligator and a huge whale put together. Correction: it is the Mosasaurus."

There is static in the intercomn as though it was muffled by a  net or something.

"I've been corrected by my co-pilot." The pilot said. "It used to live in the late cretaceous period. It is 17 meters long,approximately 56 feet,and it is a carnivore."

The co-workers shared worried whispers. 

"I don't think this Mesosaurus is going to eat us." Izzy said, classifying the Mosasuarus as  a Mosesaurus. "Just thinks we are a huge fish."

Loki was a'laughing at this.However much that they amused him their way of finding the bright-side in gigantic animal creatures seemed way too hard to believe. Loki wished this were part of a real live movie instead of actually happening just so it could get horrible reviews for the crappy CGI and bombed at the box office.

The comn message came to an end, obviously.

It was apparently one of the humorous parts of being on Midgard. That and he didn't seem to understand some of their words and culture.Loki hadn't bothered to explore Midgard's culture for a really long time, but now, he's getting the hang of it. The door to Mannie was opened wide for the entire crew to have a good view.Loki stopped laughing once seeing the potentially really ugly dinosaur that managed to survive the extinction of its surrounded prey and relatives.

Loki gasps at the sight.

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