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"Heimdall, send me to Midgard." Kettie, a warrior Healer, said in a  soft voice.

Kettie  is a young Asgardian woman who is a healer. She stood across from the gigantic circular blueish green portal that seems to resemble water magically made to remain up in a bowl that is leaning against the wall on it's side. Heimdall hadn't seen this young Asgardian in what can be guessed as days.

"Why?" Heimdall asks.

"I have orders from the king." Kettie said, her left eye twitching.

"I've never seen a Asgardian's eye twitch like yours." Heimdall notes.

"You are suggesting that I am lying." Kettie said, covering her left eye. A healer should be able to heal her problems, Kettie reminded herself.

"No." Heimdall said. "I am pointing out your eye twitched."

"The King's mother is sending me." Kettie said. "I have an address for a young Midgardian."

"And who might that be?" Heimdall asks.

"Someone you may have met."  Kettie said.

"I have met many Midgardians." Heimdall said. "And those who did come to Asgard were sent back to their realm."

"This one is different." Kettie said.

"How different?" Heimdall asks, raising one of his dark eyebrows.

"Frigga did not specify."  Kettie said.

Heimdall sends Kettie to Midgard.It is nighttime in Midgard as depicted by the night sky dotted in stars and a huge light gray moon.Kettie arrives into Joy's house through the backdoor that was left unlocked which was puzzling to say for the least. The hallway had purple floor rugs, counters with bowls that had junk items, nice portraits dotting the walls, and some fancy lights attached to the ceiling.

Kettie can feel a joyful vibe from down the hall. It seemed way too easy to enter a Midgardian's house.

The vibe guides Kettie into a unlocked room. Kettie makes the door disappear. She walks into the room with the unusual painting on the ceiling above the bed that has a sleeping Joy, a table full of glasses,a mirror with pictures and slips of paper that had writing, and some technology devices on the counter. What was more interesting is that there's a pair of glasses on a nightstand beside the bed.

"Frigga must be wise to chose you." Ketti said, looking down to the woman.

Kettie puts her hand on Joy's elbow. This light tap summons a red transparent projection of Joy levitating above the sleeping body.Kettie  narrows her eyes at a troubling sight that didn't seem to be considered normal for a Midgardian. Why is this present?,Kettie wonders, this kind of inflammation only occurs in Psychic's childhood.

"Oh right."  Kettie said, snapping her fingers. "Midgardians are not specialized in magic."

Kettie heals a part of Joy's eyes that somehow were enlarged. The healed part of the eye leaves Joy with a large clear tunnel view but the surrounding perspective around it is still blurry. The red transparent mirror image of Joy dissipates from perspective and Kettie draws back her hand away from the elbow. She had full knowledge this gift would not inflict pain on Joy. She walks towards the mirror that had all the photo's sticking to the brown wooden frame.

Kettie raises her eyebrow at one of these pictures.

"Loki?" Kettie said, squinting her eyes at one of the photo's.  Joy groans from the bed turning over while muttering  'stupid dog'. He somehow looked different but maybe it was because of the Midgardian garment and the lighting. "That is Loki."

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