Chapter 10

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"Dispatching?" I spit out, my mouth is suddenly dry, "When?"

"This evening at 19h00 to Germany," Head master says shaking his head, "I can't believe we have to fight another war."


Something I never want to be apart of again. The angry gunfire and weeping cries of dying soldiers in the dark underground war zone, still haunt me. Something, I didn't want to see again. Never again.

Even though I'm a good commander, I didn't love my job. I despised it, having to risk lives to fight some old men's battles.

"I'm afraid, Andy has to be dispatched with you too. He's not leaving for France with the other fledglings, he has been around long enough." Headmaster's voice cracks, "I'm sorry Gerard."

"He's just a kid. He doesn't deserve to go. I know he has to, but there has to be another way? I beg you to let him leave with the others." I angrily say, raising my voice. I put my face in my palms.

"I'm sorry. It's already been done. Get him and yourself ready. Shall I or will you inform Frank?"

"I will," I bark at him and slam the door as I leave the office.


Frank and Andy sit, packing up the last few things. Andy zips his big orange bad closed and sits down on the bed. I watch them around the corner.

"What's the difference? Between the love of your life and a soulmate?" Andy asks Frank.

"One is a choice, and the other is not."

"How did you know?" Andy asks looking down at Frank's head.

"Know what?"

"That you and Gerard were meant to be?"

"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. We were there for each other and that was enough. I've never left his side since."

"How do I know if someone is my soulmate?" Andy sighs softly and look up to Frank.

"A soulmate isn't someone who completes you. No, a soulmate is someone who inspires you to complete yourself. A soulmate who loves you with so much conviction, and with so much heart that it is nearly impossible to doubt how capable you are of becoming exactly who you always wanted to be."

"How did you meet?"

"It was kind of an accident, but people always cross your path for a reason. We met here in the mansion, when I was still in the Alphine Coven."

"You were a wolf? I had no idea!" Andy exclaims.

"Long story for another day," Frank chuckle, "We attacked here, can't even remember why. I was too scared to fight so I hid in a bedroom under a bed. Which happened to be his. When he caught me, I just knew. Gerard is so kind, and strong, and vulnerable, and beautiful. So beautiful. I was foolish enough to follow him all the way to the front line." Frank chuckles and looks over his shoulder over to me, "I would be lost without him."

I smile and blow a kiss at Frank. He pretends to catch it.

"Well Andy, we better get going," I say and pick up his bags from the bed.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to hurt people anymore."

Frank and I look in combine at each other.

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