Chapter 2

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Keefe's pov:

I arrive at Everglen for the sleepover feeling kind of nervous. I don't really know why I am nervous because I come here all the time and the Vackers are like my second family. I see a flash of light and Foster and Biana step out of it. I suddenly feel a flutter in my stomach. Oh that is why I am nervous because I am going to spend the whole weekend with Foster. We are best friends so I should not be nervous around her but I have had a crush on her for years and now that Fitz and her have broken up I might finally have a chance.

"Hey Foster, hi Biana" I say.

"Hi Keefe" they reply. I give both of them a hug. When I hug Sophie I feel that she is nervous, and excited but I also feel a tiny bit of love. Maybe she does like me I think. She probably doesn't though, she probably is just excited to see like Dex, or Fitz, or Tam.

I see another flash of light and Dex appears. We all say hi to him and then Fitz opens the bright gate to Everglen and lets us in. Fitz moved back to Everglen after he graduated from Foxfire, most kids move back in with their parents after they graduate but I didn't I got away from my Father as soon as I could.

"Hey Fitz" I say and give him a bro hug. Fitz greets the rest of us and we walk into Everglen.

"Tam and Linh are already here" Fitz explains. We enter Everglen and see Alden and Della.

"It has been so long since I have last seen you guys." Della says. She gives each of us a hug. Alden and Della are like the parent that I never had. I used to be jealous of Fitz because he had such a perfect family but I am not anymore because I have realized that after all I have been through I don't need a perfect family I just need people who care about me.

"I made mallowmelt, for you guys it is in the kitchen" Della says.

I scream "race you guys to the kitchen" and we all sprint until we get there. I reach the kitchen first and take the whole batch of mallowmelt.

"Keefe give it to me" Sophie screams. I shove half of it in my mouth but they take the rest from. Tam and Linh walk into the kitchen and they all split the rest of the mallowmelt.

"I have an idea" Biana screams after we have eaten all the mallowmelt. " Linh, sophie and I should all do a makeover. Sophie and Linh start to imedietly disagree but BIana drags them away anyways and screams,"MAKEOVER TIME!!!"

Sophie pov:

I really don't like when Biana gives me makeovers. She always changes my hair and puts way to much makeup on my face and makes me dress in these fancy clothes and I just look so weird.

"Okay lets start with Sophie" Biana says. "Linh you do her hair, I will do her makeup and we will pick out her outfit later."

Linh gives me three different serums that give my hair volume, make it look shiny and make it look wavy. It actually looks kind of good. Biana then starts doing my makeup. She puts on some concealer to cover my dark eye bags because I still have trouble sleeping, she puts on highlighter and some blush, then puts on gold eye shadow that makes the gold flecks in my eyes pop. She puts on mascara that makes my eye lashes look long and dark, and puts on a light pink lip gloss. Biana tells me to not look in the mirror until I am dressed and until Linh and her are done with there make overs.

Biana says, "No offence Sophie but I think I should do Linh's makeover and she should do mine. You just have not had that much practice with makeup. Maybe you should pick out me and Linh's outfits." I agree because I really am horrible at makeup. I go into Biana's closet and look around. Oh my god she has so much clothes, it's crazy! It takes me forever to look through all the clothes and I finally pick out an outfit for both of them. For Linh I pick out a light purple dress that matches the silver in her hair and eyes. For Biana I pick out a teal dress that matches her eyes. I hope that they both like the dresses and that they look good on them. Right after I am done picking them out Biana and Linh walk in. I quickly hide the dresses behind my back because I don't want them to see the dresses yet. I look up at Biana and Linh and they both look so pretty.

"Sophie you need to get out of here while we pick out your dress" Biana says.

"Sorry, we will be quick" Linh says.

I walk out of the room and wait until they come out with my dress. We show each other are dresses, they had picked out a pretty red dress for me because according to them "red is my color." We all change into our dresses and look in the mirror. Biana and Linh look so good and I actually look kind of pretty...

"What should we do now?" Linh asks.

"Lets go show the boys!" Biana says. Linh and I groan as Biana dags us down stairs.

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